Attendance: Jerkwad Borkotron, Starlight Darkmatter, Treasure Ballinger, Ellen Ross, ElizabethESQ, Sam Courtois, Tim Faith, Faye Blackheart, Legal Writer, BavarianGames, Haplo Eberhart, Henry…Continue
Started Aug 8, 2015
[10:04] (You): well, i'll get started. if you see anyone else online feel free to tp them over[10:05] (You): with regards to membership, we have 74 ppl in our group. 25 members have been to renew for…Continue
Started Jul 11, 2015
[2015/06/13 10:07] Alaria Targeryen (babyalaria): hi[2015/06/13 10:08] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): Alright all - welcome[2015/06/13 10:08] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i'l get started with the…Continue
Started Jun 14, 2015
In attendance: Faye Blackheart, Danny Dwyer, Maddy Perennity, Sam Courtois, Geri Kahn, Agenda Faromet, Tim Faith, Ellen Ross, and Princess Rosene[2015/04/11 10:02] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i wanted…Continue
Started Apr 11, 2015
Timothy S. Faith has not received any gifts yet
Here is a link to a recording of my talk on Virtual Law Practice from last Saturday. Link.
Posted on December 13, 2014 at 3:38am
LiveScience reported that Cleverbot recently convinced 59% of the humans it interacted with that it was a human being by utilizing crowd sourcing to help it respond appropriately to questions posed by human interrogators. This exercise is based on Alan Turing's hypothesis that eventually computer software…
ContinuePosted on December 14, 2011 at 8:29am
Second Life, (click here for their main web site) an online virtual worlds system, has become the center of a recent copyright controversy involving, yes, virtual sex toys. Apparently, there are not enough legitimate or inexpensive sex toys for all the denizens of Second Life, so some residents have elected to make knock-offs. Just like the real-world controversies surrounding real-world goods made by companies like Tiffany and Louis Vuitton, Eros…
ContinuePosted on December 14, 2011 at 8:26am
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the association will be next Saturday, January 21 at 10:00 a.m. Second Life Time. I hope that you will be able to join us.
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