[10:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Good morning or afternoon everyone and welcome.
[10:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Can we start today with Lexis?
[10:03] Lexis Looming: I just got back from vacation, so I don't have much of a report. We collected some money from Law week and our event. also a number of people have paid dues.
[10:04] Soro Dagostino: ooops!
[10:04] Soro Dagostino: I remember a note.
[10:04] Agenda Faromet: Lex, you should also have received L$1750 this past Saturday from my presentation.
[10:04] Lexis Looming: quite a few have not
[10:04] Elizabeth: I think I paid... tries to remember.
[10:05] Lexis Looming: I think that is what I meant by "our event" I wasn't quite sure wher yougot that from Agenda, sorry
[10:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Well, people need to be paid up to vote.
[10:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We need to formally schedule elections - at the next meeting I think.
[10:06] Lexis Looming: I am afraid I have not been inworld much the last month
[10:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: So we need a good head count.
[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Welcome Juris.
[10:07] Soro Dagostino: Where do I pay?
[10:07] Lexis Looming: in years past we have set up voting devices and held the voting open for a week or more so everyone can vote no matter what time zone they are in
[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: At the satairwell.
[10:07] Soro Dagostino: k
[10:07] Lexis Looming: Pay downstairs by the staircase
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - we can do that - how do we ste up a voting device?
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Nice to see you Juris.
[10:08] Agenda Faromet: Hi, Juris.
[10:08] Juris Amat: Thanks Sam. Hi everyone.
[10:08] Lyra Snowpaw: hi Juris
[10:09] Lexis Looming: of course we haven't needed any voting the past two years, but if we have contested elections, then I suggest we do that.. I think agenda just about had one perfected last year
[10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Can some one please volunteer to be in charge of that?
[10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I suppose you are right.
[10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do we want to proceed by acclamation?
[10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is there any objection?
[10:10] Soro Dagostino: So move
[10:10] Jonathan Kramer: Seconded.
[10:10] Lexis Looming: if there is no contest for the positions we could go by acclamation as we have the last 2 years
[10:10] ElizabethElizabeth nods.
[10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: It ahs been m,oved and seconded that the offices of the association be proclaimed elected for another year.
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: is ther any discussion?
[10:11] Lexis Looming: I am ritiring as treasurer
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Elizabeth, do you agree to serve?
[10:11] ElizabethElizabeth looks like a deer in the headlights.
[10:11] Agenda Faromet: As long as we don't have more people contesting than we have positions...
[10:11] Lexis Looming: it is time for someone else to have aturn. I urge everyone to consider the job. it is very rewarding
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: It had better not be too rewarding ...
[10:12] Soro Dagostino: Lexis, how much time does it take?
[10:12] Elizabeth: If I take it, can I at least have the benefit of gaining knowledge from Lexis?
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lexis?
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do yu agree?
[10:12] Lexis Looming: I will of course assist the new person...It is not rocket surgery
[10:12] ElizabethElizabeth laughs.
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: he he he
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ok
[10:12] Elizabeth: Alright then, unless someone else would like it.
[10:13] Lyra SnowpawLyra Snowpaw applauds Lex and Elizabeth
[10:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Sam for president, Yoss for secretary, elizabeth for trasurer,
[10:13] Jonathan Kramer: Hip hip!
[10:14] Lyra Snowpaw: hooray!
[10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: executive committee - who Agenda, jonathan, lyra - who else?
[10:14] Juris Amat: Wow, an era ends ;)
[10:14] Lexis Looming: do we have a quorum?
[10:14] Lyra Snowpaw: Juris
[10:14] Juris Amat: in agreement
[10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Anyone else for the executive committee?
[10:14] Juris Amat: oh u mean for the committee
[10:15] Juris Amat: if youlll have me
[10:15] Juris Amat: ill serve
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Juris ok
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Soro?
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lexis?
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lexis?
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lincolnn?
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Where is Baeric?
[10:16] Lexis Looming: sounds like an auction?
[10:16] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Baeric.
[10:16] Agenda Faromet: Do the bylaws call for three on the exec committee, or are we just tossing the bylaws and going with what works?
[10:16] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I am in favor of involvement where it can happen.
[10:17] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I see five members, including Baeric, who had the bad jusgment to not come today.
[10:17] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - if that is the slate, do we have any other discussion?
[10:17] Lexis Looming: the by laws say no more than 20 on the Board
[10:17] Lexis Looming: including officers
[10:17] Agenda Faromet: Oh! Good! Thank you for checking.
[10:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Are we ready for the question?
[10:18] Juris Amat: thnxs Lex !
[10:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The question is shall the named individuals be elected by acclamation fo to the offices?
[10:18] Lexis Looming: The baord sets the number between 1 and 20 ;-)
[10:19] Lyra Snowpaw: oy vey
[10:19] Sam Courtois. Esq.: All those in favor, please asu aye
[10:19] Jonathan Kramer: Oy Aye.
[10:19] Sam Courtois. Esq.: aye
[10:19] Lexis Looming: if we had one more person we could do that
[10:19] Sam Courtois. Esq.: say*
[10:19] Soro Dagostino: Aye
[10:19] Juris Amat: aye
[10:19] Lyra Snowpaw: aye
[10:19] Tim Faith: aye
[10:21] Lexis Looming: we do have ten Sam is right
[10:21] Lexis Looming: AYE!
[10:21] Juris Amat: yay
[10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Done.
[10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Congratulations everyone and thank you.
[10:22] Agenda Faromet: Congratulations.
[10:22] Elizabeth: Congratulations!
[10:22] Soro Dagostino: WOOOOOT!!!!
[10:22] Lyra Snowpaw: Did Soro just say WOOT? : ))
[10:22] Juris Amat: congrats all
[10:23] Lexis Looming: Congratulations to the new officers and board and for having a minyan..err quorum
[10:23] Soro Dagostino: A sailor.
[10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - next
[10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Jonathan - how are we doing fo r membership?
[10:23] Jonathan Kramer: Not much of a report from me. I have not been able to devote any real time to accomplishing my mission. I’m in the middle of writing my LL.M Internet/Telecom law thesis, and several cases which are coming to trial in the next 60 days. At the pleasure of the group, I can stand aside and let someone who has more time step in to my role, or know that I’m happy to stay as involved as I can for now until the end of September, when things start to quiet down for me. I do remain committed to SLBA.
[10:25] Elizabeth: We know you are committed, that darned RL sure has a pesky way of getting in the way of our SL interests. :-)
[10:25] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you for your efforts - everyone understands the demands of RL.
[10:25] Jonathan Kramer: Thanks for understanding.
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Please continue to use your best efforts for this vital agenda.
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Welcome Daniel
[10:26] DanielPerry Laa: Hi Folks - sorry I am late
[10:26] Lexis Looming: Hello Daniel
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Very nice to see you.
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you for coming.
[10:26] Soro Dagostino: Hi Dan
[10:26] Tim Faith: Word
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: It ahs come to my attention that there was a problem with the quorum, however, Daniel will resolve that.
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Daniel, we just voted to approve the election of officers by acclamation.
[10:28] DanielPerry Laa: Great!
[10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: myself for Presdident for another year
[10:28] DanielPerry Laa: Good News!
[10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Jonathan for Secretary, Elizabeth for Treasuer, Agenda, Lyra, Jonathan , Juris and Baeric for Executive committee.
[10:29] Tim Faith: Yoss for secretary
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I thought we had ten voting members, but we had only nine until you arrived.
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: therefore, if youwould be so kind, I wouldlike top reopen the voting andallow youto vote on the question.
[10:29] DanielPerry Laa: OK
[10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Sorry, I beg your pardopn - yes Yoss for secretary.
[10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq.: my eror.
[10:30] Tim Faith: Jonathan is on the exec. comm
[10:30] DanielPerry Laa: I vote top apporove the slate
[10:30] DanielPerry Laa: tomapprove
[10:30] DanielPerry Laa: to approve
[10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agreed.
[10:31] Lexis Looming: Congratulations to all (is this deja vu?)
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Deja vu all over again.
[10:31] DanielPerry Laa: LOL!
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Elizabeth any report on future programs?
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is ther an Elizabeth in the house?
[10:32] Elizabeth: I have not had any responses to my notecard with interest in programs.
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK -
[10:33] Elizabeth: However, Agenda has been working very hard to implement a speaker - forum once a month and I believe has more to say on that topic.
[10:33] Agenda Faromet: Thank you so much, Elizabeth. Sam, would this be a good time for me to catch people up on what I've been doing?
[10:35] Jonathan Kramer: Oops.
[10:35] Elizabeth: Sam fell off SL.
[10:35] Agenda Faromet: Hmm. Well, I can go on and catch people up -- Sam's already heard this.
[10:35] Elizabeth: So, perhaps Agenda can catch us up?
[10:35] Agenda Faromet: As I posted on the SLBA forum (http://slbarassn.ning.com/forum/topics/copyright-in-virtual-worlds-...), this past Saturday, I held the first in what will be a monthly series of presentations on legal issues in virtual worlds. Last week's was on Copyright in Virtual Worlds and Social Media, and it was extremely well attended, with around 30 avatars in the audience and a discussion that lasted over an hour and a half. The event raised L$1750 for the SLBA.
[10:36] Agenda Faromet: The next discussion, which will be held the first Saturday in August, will be on music rights in SL. I am also talking with Elizabeth about a presentation on small business formation and Second Life businesses, and we hope to get that put together shortly. I would like to invite any of you who have some expertise relevant to the SL community, whether it's in taxation and virtual earnings or employment issues for businesses in Second Life or the viability of trademarking a business in SL (Juris, I know you've given similar talks before), to come in as a guest speaker.
[10:40] Agenda Faromet: Sam's always so cute when he's Ruthed.
[10:40] Sam Courtois. Esq.: :smiles -
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I am cute at all other times as well.
[10:41] Lexis Looming: Welcome back ruth...errrr Sam
[10:41] Jonathan Kramer: "Ruthed"?
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Sorry about that - thunder storm knocked me off line.
[10:41] Lexis Looming: at least ur getting rain!
[10:42] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda - are you ready?
[10:42] Juris Amat: Sorry guest speaker...yes absolutely
[10:42] Agenda Faromet: Ruth was the default shape for SL avatars long, long ago, and sometimes a glitch will temporarily put you in Ruth's shape. Sam, check your IMs, I've already spoken.
[10:42] Tim Faith: u missed it
[10:42] Tim Faith: any discussion from the group?
[10:42] Lexis Looming: and whole u were gone sam we elected you president for tthe rest ofyour life
[10:42] Elizabeth: lol
[10:42] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Did I really miss it?
[10:42] Juris Amat: :D
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Sorry.
[10:43] Tim Faith: force majeure
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That tioo
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: too.
[10:44] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - did you cover the Cameron case, Agenda?
[10:44] Agenda Faromet: Not yet.
[10:44] Agenda Faromet: I was waiting for discussion about the presentations.
[10:44] Agenda Faromet: And waiting for you to come back.
[10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - any comments or questions about the presentations?
[10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq.: As you know that is a huge contribution to the association.
[10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq.: having 30 people show up for a function is great!
[10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you for doing that Agenda, and thank your fo rplanning future presentations.
[10:46] Elizabeth: Wow.. you guys are quick in updating the website!!!!
[10:47] Tim Faith: i'm on it
[10:49] Agenda Faromet: So. Shall I move on to the case? It's an interesting one.
[10:49] Lexis Looming: sounds intriguing
[10:49] Lexis Looming: Sam got so excited he left the room again
[10:50] Agenda Faromet: Hmm. I'll catch Sam up by IM.
[10:50] ElizabethElizabeth smiles
[10:50] Agenda Faromet: I'd like you all to be aware of a very interesting international copyright dispute currently ongoing between two Second Life designers, and the really amazing grassroots fundraising event that has come out of it. Juris, you're aware of this; I spoke briefly with you about it earlier.
[10:50] Elizabeth: I just got elected treasurer.
[10:51] Elizabeth: lol
[10:51] Agenda Faromet: Full disclosure: I represent Gala Phoenix / Gala Perry, a skin designer in SL. In March, Gala realized a competitor, Hush Darkrose / Melanie Cameron, was selling skins substantially similar to hers, and she filed a DMCA takedown. Cameron sent a counter-notice. Gala couldn't afford to go to court, so she didn't do anything. Cameron then registered /her/ skins in Canada, filed a complaint in a Canadian court, and filed a DMCA takedown against Gala. This is all public information; I'm not breaching confidentiality. There are actually a number of blog posts documenting the events far more thoroughly; I can link them if you're interested.
[10:51] Elizabeth: I read quite a bit about that issue offline. Very interesting.
[10:51] DanielPerry Laa: Would like links - no rush though
[10:52] Agenda Faromet: The content creator community of SL has come together behind Gala to raise money for her legal defense, and to date, over $13,000 has been raised -- that's RL dollars, not $L. It actually might be higher now; I haven't gotten a current figure. The fundraiser is both in-world and on the web (on IndieGoGo). It's really becoming quite overwhelming.
[10:52] Elizabeth: That's great.
[10:53] Agenda Faromet: The most thorough blog post is probably http://salomesays.com/blog/2012/07/curious/.
[10:53] Agenda Faromet: It was also discussed a great deal on this week's http://metarealitypodcast.com/making-a-difference (the discussion starts about 20 minutes in).
[10:53] Lexis Looming: I am just curious....Is Gala also a citizen of Canada or how does that court have any jurisdiction?
[10:54] Juris Amat: I know about the dispute, the fundraising i had no idea
[10:54] Agenda Faromet: No. Gala is a United States citizen. Melanie Cameron is a Canadian citizen.
[10:54] Agenda Faromet: As for the court's jurisdiction...I can't comment.
[10:55] Lexis Looming: Well if you have to go to canada to litigate I hope all your hearings are in the summer
[10:55] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet laughs.
[10:55] Juris Amat: It would seem the court would have jurisdiction bc of the candian citizen copyright claim
[10:55] Juris Amat: *Canadian
[10:56] Tim Faith: that would cover subject matter, but not clear on personal jursidiction
[10:57] Elizabeth: It's an interesting chain of events to say the least.
[10:57] Lexis Looming: I am not sure of subject matter either since no violation took place in Canada did it?
[10:57] Lyra Snowpaw: I think that's Asahi-stream of commerce. . . but I could be rusty (koffs)
[10:57] Agenda Faromet: Well...I disagree, but again, I can't go into it. I just wanted to let you all know that this is going on, because it's becoming a fairly major event.
[10:57] Soro Dagostino: Then there are, in my recent experience, substantial issues re personal jurisdiction.
[10:59] Lexis Looming: That is very interesting agenda..thank you for reporting on it
[10:59] Lexis Looming: Welcome back Sam
[10:59] Agenda Faromet: Sam misses all the fun.
[10:59] Elizabeth: wb Sam!
[10:59] Elizabeth: hehehe
[10:59] Lexis Looming: yaay samm you rezzed
[11:00] Lexis Looming: your feet are even on the floor this time lol
[11:00] Agenda Faromet: Hahaha, that wasn't just me?
[11:00] Elizabeth: nope. looked that way to all of us.
[11:00] Lexis Looming: nope he was a floating ruth
[11:00] Agenda Faromet: Awesome.
[11:01] Sam Courtois. Esq.: All in favor, please say AYE
[11:02] Elizabeth: of???
[11:02] Elizabeth: lol
[11:02] Agenda Faromet: In favor of....Ruth?
[11:02] Elizabeth: hahaha
[11:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.Sam Courtois. Esq. smiles
[11:02] Agenda Faromet: I am totally /not/ in favor of Ruth.
[11:02] Agenda Faromet: Unless it's Baby Ruth. Those are good.
[11:02] Elizabeth: yum!
[11:02] DanielPerry Laa: Sorry ... Have to run, folks!
[11:02] Soro Dagostino: Sorry folk, another meeting.
[11:03] Agenda Faromet: Bye, Soro and Daniel!
[11:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.Sam Courtois. Esq. nose has it.
[11:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank youfor coming Daniel and Soro.
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK -
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Sorry everyone about the wether.
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: weather.
[11:04] Elizabeth: Is there a weather problem?
[11:04] Elizabeth: Other than massive heat?
[11:04] Agenda Faromet: Sam's all thunderstormy.
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is there anything else Agenda?
[11:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Did we cover Justitia status?
[11:05] Lexis Looming: Send some rain down here. We are having a drought. who would ever thought, in Oklahoma of all places LOL
[11:05] Agenda Faromet: No, I think we covered everything! Except I'll give people a link to the One Voice fundraiser event: Mesh (92,84,22)
[11:06] Lexis Looming: what is going on with justicia status?
[11:06] Lexis Looming: I saw that on the agenda, Agenda?
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Send me a copy of what I missed, someone please.
[11:07] Agenda Faromet: Justitia status? Is that me? I...don't know! Um...Sam's putting rental boxes out in everyone's offices, so if you haven't paid your rental box, pay up, please. Also, I got rid of the old ugly auditorium and built a slightly less ugly courthouse.
[11:09] ElizabethElizabeth smikles
[11:09] Elizabeth: smiles*
[11:09] Lexis Looming: looking now.....The courthouse looks very nice
[11:10] Juris Amat: fantastic
[11:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is there any new business /?
[11:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I notice that the Relay for Life is going on Right now. we need to consider ways to participate in that int he future.
[11:11] Elizabeth: That would be a great way to get visibility.
[11:11] Elizabeth: It's an enormous event and has a large turnout.
[11:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ASnd a great cause.
[11:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: One of the bettere things LL does.
[11:11] Elizabeth: Exactly!
[11:11] Lyra Snowpaw: We could house the jail next year ; )
[11:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Ok, we are past the hour.
[11:12] Lyra Snowpaw: kidding
[11:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I wqill entertain amotion to adjourn.
[11:12] Agenda Faromet: Oh yes, absolutely. RFL is a wonderful event, as are the other great charity events that go on throughout the year.
[11:12] Elizabeth: Motion to adjourn.
[11:12] Tim Faith: move to adjourn
[11:12] Agenda Faromet: I move to adjourn so I can go get breakfast.
[11:12] Elizabeth: Second
[11:12] Agenda Faromet: My motion's so way better.
[11:12] Elizabeth: lol
[11:12] Tim Faith: ):
[11:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: is there a second?
[11:12] Lyra Snowpaw: 2nd
[11:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: those in favor?
[11:13] Tim Faith: aye
[11:13] Jonathan Kramer: Aye
[11:13] Lyra Snowpaw: aye
[11:13] Elizabeth: aye
[11:13] Agenda Faromet: GO GET BREAKFAST AGENDA
[11:13] Juris Amat: aye
[11:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: the eyes have it once again.
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