My name is Joan and I am here on this site hoping to meet new people interested in Law and virtual worlds.
We have RL businesses that I am in the process of bringing onto SL and being a careful soul - hoping to learn as much as possible about international law in the coming years. (yes - I have a 5 year plan!) We sponsor small experimental projects if you have any needs there.
So, meanwhile I hope to meet you soon - we have art and things
to keep in the theme of SL!
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My name is Joan and I am here on this site hoping to meet new people interested in Law and virtual worlds.
We have RL businesses that I am in the process of bringing onto SL and being a careful soul - hoping to learn as much as possible about international law in the coming years. (yes - I have a 5 year plan!) We sponsor small experimental projects if you have any needs there.
So, meanwhile I hope to meet you soon - we have art and things
to keep in the theme of SL!
Cheers for now,
Joan Kamaru aka Wispy Broome