SL Bar Association

SL Bar Association

[10:12] Geri Kuhn: Welcome to the October 9 meeting of the SL Bar Assoc.
[10:12] Geri Kuhn: A transcript of the meeting will be available on our website.
[10:13] Geri Kuhn: So as to what we were discussing off the record- time of the meetings
[10:13] Geri Kuhn: What do you think Michele would be a good time.
[10:14] Michele Jigsaw: Im not sure but an evening time might be better during the week
[10:14] Sam4 Courtois: Notably we get better attendance at the coffees - a slightly different mix of people
[10:14] Sam4 Courtois: but not totally
[10:14] Michele Jigsaw: but first you need to know who your membership is
[10:14] Michele Jigsaw: and where they are
[10:14] Michele Jigsaw: I can come to the coffees because I log in from the office
[10:15] Geri Kuhn: I just remembered the survey and meant to send out a notice
[10:15] Geri Kuhn: Argh
[10:15] Geri Kuhn: I will do this
[10:15] Yoss Kamachi: i can add a question about when people can join us to the survey
[10:15] Geri Kuhn: That would be great, Yoss.
[10:16] Geri Kuhn: Folks seem to like the social events
[10:16] Yoss Kamachi: given that we have members all over the world, i'm sure meeting scheduling will always be a challenge
[10:16] Geri Kuhn: We did get two new members after our last coffee
[10:17] Geri Kuhn: Well let's add it as a question and see what kind of response we get
[10:17] Geri Kuhn: Sam, why don't we plan some more dates for coffee chats?
[10:18] Free Radar HUDFree Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[10:18] Sam4 Courtois: Perhaps we can get Agenda to put up a clock onthe wall that shows diffeent times in different locations?
[10:18] Sam4 Courtois: I am all for it
[10:18] Geri Kuhn: :)
[10:18] Geri Kuhn: that would be nice and useful
[10:18] Sam4 Courtois: Wel have a coffee set for ehre on Wednesday the 13th
[10:18] Yoss Kamachi: i updated the survey with a question on meeting times
[10:18] Sam4 Courtois: at 5:30 I think
[10:18] Sam4 Courtois: and I would like to ahve one every two weeks
[10:18] Michele Jigsaw: sorry there a question about time zones the members are in
[10:18] Sam4 Courtois: on a predictable basis
[10:19] Yoss Kamachi: yes, i included that in the question on the survey
[10:19] Geri Kuhn: Sam suggested that we ask Agenda to put up clocks in the office showing the different time zones
[10:19] Sam4 Courtois: Agenda and I will co-host as necessary
[10:19] Geri Kuhn: Thanks Yoss
[10:19] Michele Jigsaw: good idea on clocks
[10:19] Geri Kuhn: And what is the website address where the survey is located
[10:19] Geri Kuhn: so it can be listed in the transcript
[10:20] Yoss Kamachi: Here is the URL:
[10:20] Geri Kuhn: Great, thanks.
[10:20] Michele Jigsaw: i love survey monkey!
[10:20] Geri Kuhn: It is a great idea
[10:20] Geri Kuhn: Both the survey and the clocks
[10:21] Geri Kuhn: Okay, so the next coffee chat will be on Wed. 13th. What time, Sam?
[10:21] Geri Kuhn: Shall we keep the same time or vary it?
[10:21] Sam4 Courtois: 5:30 SLT
[10:21] Sam4 Courtois: Personally I favor predicatability, but I am open
[10:22] Geri Kuhn: Anyone else have some thoughts on that?
[10:22] Lexis Looming: Some time ago we discussed vqrying the times so differnt people could attend
[10:22] Lexis Looming: Same issue as with the meeting
[10:23] Lexis Looming: any time you pick there will be someone for whom it is not good.
[10:23] Sam4 Courtois: But what really is the issue?
[10:24] Sam4 Courtois: is it just a bad time thing or is it not remembering?
[10:24] Sam4 Courtois: conflicts?
[10:24] Lexis Looming: People in certain parts of the world will always be excluded from a 5:30 coffee...that is after 10 pm in Europe
[10:24] Yoss Kamachi: i missed the last one because I was out of town and forgot when I finally got back to the hotel that evening
[10:24] Michele Jigsaw: depending on the time of year...GMT is 9:30
[10:25] Michele Jigsaw: also people are always self interested
[10:25] Michele Jigsaw: if there is something going on related to their interests they may come
[10:25] Sam4 Courtois: So it is the agenda?
[10:26] Sam4 Courtois: Do we announce an agenda beore each meeitng usually?
[10:26] Michele Jigsaw: :) combination of above
[10:26] Geri Kuhn: Well there is no agenda for the coffee chats
[10:26] Lexis Looming: I am London is 8 hours Germany 9 hours ahead
[10:26] Sam4 Courtois: Thare are several SBLA memebrs online right now that are not ehre
[10:26] Sam4 Courtois: here
[10:27] Yoss Kamachi: we had lovely food, drinks and dancing at the coffee chat earlier in September.
[10:27] Geri Kuhn: Well that will bring us to another agenda item about speakers n a bit
[10:27] Geri Kuhn: Yes that was nice and the one in October was nice as well
[10:28] Sam4 Courtois: I just nabbed Julynn
[10:28] Geri Kuhn: Ah...good job
[10:28] Lexis Looming: Hello Julynn
[10:28] Geri Kuhn: Hi Julynn
[10:28] Julynn Lilliehook: Hi everyone
[10:28] Geri Kuhn: Welcome
[10:28] Sam4 Courtois: Welcome Julynn!
[10:28] Sam4 Courtois: Tell everyone why I ahd to Shanghai you
[10:29] Geri Kuhn: We were just discussing our coffee chat and wondering whether we should keep the same time or vary the times.
[10:29] Julynn Lilliehook: I was doing a treasure hunt
[10:29] Sam4 Courtois: We were jsut talking about inproving attendance
[10:29] Julynn Lilliehook: been working on it a week so far
[10:29] Geri Kuhn: So we should have a treasure hunt?
[10:29] Yoss Kamachi: or easter eggs!
[10:29] Julynn Lilliehook: I figured there would be enough ppl here
[10:30] Geri Kuhn: We could look up case citations in our library
[10:30] Yoss Kamachi: lol
[10:30] Sam4 Courtois: I think she wants treasure!
[10:30] Geri Kuhn: Yes, gold is motivating
[10:31] Geri Kuhn: Back to the times of the coffee chats
[10:31] Geri Kuhn: Shall we try making one in the morning, SLT and see what happens?
[10:32] Julynn Lilliehook: sure
[10:32] Yoss Kamachi: why not
[10:32] Sam4 Courtois: I'll go for tha
[10:32] Sam4 Courtois: that
[10:32] Lexis Looming: If it was 10 am slt during thee week I could come on my lunch hour
[10:32] Sam4 Courtois: want to say 10 a.m. on the 27th?
[10:32] Lexis Looming: when is the halloween party?
[10:32] Sam4 Courtois: oh right
[10:32] Geri Kuhn: one sec
[10:32] Sam4 Courtois: that evening
[10:33] Geri Kuhn: No actually
[10:33] Lexis Looming: so 2 weeks later?
[10:33] Geri Kuhn: Mick came on last night and wanted to change it to the 26th
[10:33] Sam4 Courtois: yes
[10:34] Sam4 Courtois: November 10 at 10 a.m. SLT
[10:34] Lexis Looming: Hello Daniel
[10:34] Geri Kuhn: Hi Daniel
[10:34] Sam4 Courtois: Welcome!
[10:34] DanielPerry Laa: Hi Folks - sorry I am late!
[10:34] Michele Jigsaw: hi Daniel
[10:34] Geri Kuhn: no worries
[10:34] Geri Kuhn: Welcome
[10:34] Yoss Kamachi: hola
[10:34] Geri Kuhn: okay so should we have two events in a row?
[10:35] Lexis Looming: 11-10-10 @10
[10:35] Geri Kuhn: or just have the party onthe 26th
[10:35] Geri Kuhn: So 13th, 26th and 11/11
[10:35] Sam4 Courtois: I am arguing for predicatbility - EVERY two weeks
[10:36] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins
[10:36] Michele Jigsaw: the other thing you can do
[10:36] Michele Jigsaw: which meets Sam's point on regularity
[10:36] Michele Jigsaw: is to have two different sponsors
[10:36] Sam4 Courtois: (I ws trying to avoid that word)
[10:36] Michele Jigsaw: lol sorry Sam
[10:37] Michele Jigsaw: let the people who need to meet earlier sponsor an earlier coffee
[10:37] Lexis Looming: hosts?
[10:37] Michele Jigsaw: yes
[10:37] Michele Jigsaw: 2 different hosts
[10:37] Michele Jigsaw: its worth a shot
[10:37] Michele Jigsaw: then you can see if the people in Europe do come out
[10:37] Sam4 Courtois: Good idea
[10:37] Michele Jigsaw: when its convenient for their time
[10:38] Michele Jigsaw: because frankly..I cant make an event thats going to be at 1pm in the workday
[10:38] Michele Jigsaw: but I do try and make the coffee chats at 5:30 or 6
[10:38] Sam4 Courtois: Lexis is the closest thing to someone in Europe
[10:38] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn smiles
[10:38] Michele Jigsaw: well I think London still counts as Europe
[10:39] Lexis Looming: nooo Michele is east of me
[10:39] Lexis Looming: at 10 slt it is noon here but 1 pm for her
[10:39] Sam4 Courtois: Oh
[10:39] Michele Jigsaw: Michele who? lol
[10:39] Geri Kuhn: Okay for 10/13 - do we have a host?
[10:39] Michele Jigsaw: I thought you were in London?
[10:39] Lexis Looming: I am in Tulsa
[10:39] Michele Jigsaw: oh!
[10:39] Michele Jigsaw: ok...
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: Sam - shall we keep this one at 5:30
[10:40] Donnalyn Davi: Hi Sam
[10:40] Lexis Looming: Greetings Donnalyn
[10:40] Donnalyn Davi: Hi All!
[10:40] Donnalyn Davi: :D
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: and then change ghem thereafter
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: HI Donnalyn
[10:40] Yoss Kamachi: I concur
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: Welome
[10:40] Sam4 Courtois: 5:30 on the 13th
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: *them
[10:40] Sam4 Courtois: what time on the 26th?
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: Okay, 5:30 p.m. SLT at the SL Bar office
[10:40] Donnalyn Davi: Hi Geri!
[10:41] Yoss Kamachi: I'll tend bar on the 13th here
[10:41] Geri Kuhn: Our Halloween party will be on the 26th , still nailing down the time but around 6:00 or 6:30
[10:41] Sam4 Courtois: Excellent
[10:41] Geri Kuhn: p.m. SLT
[10:41] Sam4 Courtois: and don't worry about ahving to dance Yoss
[10:42] Geri Kuhn: And that will be hosted by one our members, Mick Stennvaag and his partner at their beach house
[10:42] Sam4 Courtois: Agenda doesn't like to ahve dancing at coffees
[10:42] Geri Kuhn: His partner is apparently working on decorating their beach house in a Halloween style
[10:43] Yoss Kamachi: sounds great
[10:43] Geri Kuhn: And come in costume
[10:43] Geri Kuhn: Lawyers aren't scary enough
[10:44] Donnalyn Davi: lol
[10:44] Geri Kuhn: I'll get the landmark from him
[10:44] Geri Kuhn: and send out a notice
[10:44] Yoss Kamachi: i'll update the web site when we have a firm time
[10:44] Geri Kuhn: Terrific
[10:44] Lexis Looming: I think Agenda was concerned about how professional we look with dance balls sitting about...might make us look like a bar instead of a Bar Assoc. But pehaps they could be hidden when not in use
[10:44] Geri Kuhn: hehehe
[10:45] Michele Jigsaw: lets members decide..if they want to dance let them..its SL after all
[10:45] DanielPerry Laa: Last panel I was on I was sitting next to a zombie!! Have to admit I was concerned how THAT looked!
[10:45] Michele Jigsaw: if we promote the use of this technology we cant be afraid to embrace it
[10:46] Sam4 Courtois: Michele, you won't dance with me!
[10:46] Geri Kuhn: Perhaps Sam you can ask Agenda if there is a way to hide dance balls.
[10:46] Sam4 Courtois: ;-(
[10:46] Michele Jigsaw: I dont dance with anyone! LOL
[10:46] Lexis Looming: usuall it is just /1 hide
[10:46] Geri Kuhn: But our coffee chat that we once had in an art gallery was really nice
[10:46] Geri Kuhn: and there was no dancing
[10:46] Sam4 Courtois: With the Intan's, the balls only appear when you call for them
[10:46] Michele Jigsaw: fo we really think thats an issue?
[10:46] Michele Jigsaw: *do
[10:47] DanielPerry Laa: Reprogram dance balls so they cause a lawyerly walk?
[10:47] Lexis Looming: That's true but the Intan is gawdy
[10:47] Geri Kuhn: hehehe
[10:47] Sam4 Courtois: trade off
[10:47] Lexis Looming: lol we could put it way up high over the building
[10:47] Geri Kuhn: Well we can ask our interior decorator, Agenda if she could work out something
[10:48] Lexis Looming: Just have a post inside to click on to rez the balls
[10:48] Sam4 Courtois: They can come in a veriety of styles
[10:48] Geri Kuhn: On the 27th, the coffee chat
[10:48] Sam4 Courtois: It's jsut that most people recognize the raibow balls
[10:48] Geri Kuhn: What time?
[10:48] Michele Jigsaw: I 'm gonna have to get off this wi-fi in a sec...can I say something about some folks that may be good speakers before I leave?
[10:49] Geri Kuhn: Okay, yes Michele I wanted to get to that so yes
[10:49] Geri Kuhn: go ahead
[10:49] Michele Jigsaw: ok so in connection with my class Ive had the opportunity to speak to several very intersting folks this year
[10:49] Michele Jigsaw: there are two law enforcement people who are using internet and virtual technology to solve crimes
[10:50] Michele Jigsaw: really fascinating caught a drug suspect hiding out in WoW
[10:50] Donnalyn Davi: Interesting
[10:50] Michele Jigsaw: I also have access to an AUSA who is working on internet child porgnaagraphy issues
[10:50] Lexis Looming: Sounds just like TV
[10:50] Michele Jigsaw: and recently I communicated with Stroker Serpentine about his lawsuits involving LL
[10:51] Sam4 Courtois: I want to hear from both of them
[10:51] Sam4 Courtois: all three
[10:51] Michele Jigsaw: yes..just like tv but better cause its real
[10:51] Michele Jigsaw: the law enforcement folks have some committmemnts coming up that keep them out of the loop for about 8 weeks
[10:51] Michele Jigsaw: and the AUSA has two trial coming up but they may be good for the spring
[10:52] Michele Jigsaw: finallty
[10:52] Sam4 Courtois: Madam President, would a motion be in order?
[10:52] Michele Jigsaw: the anti money laundering complainace officer for one of the wall st banks is also inworld
[10:52] Michele Jigsaw: so he may be interesting as we;ll
[10:52] Geri Kuhn: It sounds like they would all be interesting
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: What kind of motion, Sam?
[10:53] Sam4 Courtois: I move that we enlist Michele to invite as many of these ptentially interesting speakers as posssible to join us as their schedule permits
[10:54] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn laughs
[10:54] Michele Jigsaw: oh Sam you are funny
[10:54] DanielPerry Laa: Not sure we need a motion to do this
[10:54] Sam4 Courtois: Perhaps she can co-odinat with Kat for CLE
[10:54] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins
[10:54] Michele Jigsaw: I am willing to try and put together a schedule but most will probably be after Jan
[10:54] Geri Kuhn: Okay, well that would be terrific Michele
[10:55] Michele Jigsaw: the money launddering should certainly be worth some CLE
[10:55] Sam4 Courtois: All of it should be
[10:55] Sam4 Courtois: Kat can help with that
[10:55] Geri Kuhn: Yes
[10:55] Michele Jigsaw: ok..gotta go..I will start working on that..and give you a sense of what times are good for them
[10:55] Geri Kuhn: Thank you Michele
[10:55] Michele Jigsaw: bye all
[10:56] Geri Kuhn: bye
[10:56] Sam4 Courtois: bye bye
[10:56] Geri Kuhn: Okay, back to the scheduling
[10:56] Lexis Looming: Was Stroker the one invlolve inthe EROS lawsuit
[10:56] Geri Kuhn: on the 27th
[10:56] Lexis Looming: Where he subpoenaed LL for IP Adress information?
[10:56] Lexis Looming: that would be worth cle too
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: Yes
[10:57] Sam4 Courtois: I thought we were havng Mick's party on the 26th
[10:57] Lexis Looming: I thought the 27th was the halooween party on the 26th
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: yes, but you wanted consistency :)
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: oh
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: yes
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: sorry
[10:57] Sam4 Courtois: Well, not irrational consistency
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: 27th
[10:58] DanielPerry Laa: Sorry - have to run!
[10:58] Geri Kuhn: Okay, so can we skip the 27th?
[10:58] Sam4 Courtois: Bye Danial
[10:58] Lexis Looming: I thought we agreed on 10/13. 10/26 and 11/10
[10:58] Sam4 Courtois: I had it in mind taht the 26th was an exception.
[10:58] Geri Kuhn: Okay, this is fine.
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: Sounds good
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: :)
[10:59] Lexis Looming: 10/13 @ 5:30; 10/26 not decided but perhaps 6:00pm and 11/10 @10 am?
[10:59] Sam4 Courtois: yes
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: Yes, perfect
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: Yoss, can you update our website to include those dates/times?
[11:00] Geri Kuhn: Yoss, appears to be away
[11:00] Geri Kuhn: Is there any other business we should discuss?
[11:00] Lexis Looming: Ain't SL grand you never know when the person you are talking to isn't even at the keyboard lol
[11:00] Yoss Kamachi: sure thing
[11:01] Sam4 Courtois: he he he
[11:01] Geri Kuhn: Thanks Yoss
[11:01] Lexis Looming: wb Yoss
[11:01] Donnalyn Davi: kikm Kexus'
[11:01] Donnalyn Davi: oops,
[11:01] Donnalyn Davi: that was suppose to be lol, Lexis!
[11:01] Sam4 Courtois: It's like that all the time in Alaska Lexis
[11:01] Lexis Looming: Kick Texas not Lexis
[11:02] Lexis Looming: oops my Oklahoman was showing
[11:02] Donnalyn Davi: LOL
[11:02] Geri Kuhn: All right, if there is no other business, is there a motion to adjourn?
[11:02] Donnalyn Davi: If there is a "Lexis Looming" in this group, I think we also need a "Westlaw Watching"
[11:02] Lexis Looming: so moved
[11:02] Donnalyn Davi: hehe
[11:02] Sam4 Courtois: Thank you Geri for a fun and exciting meeting!
[11:03] Donnalyn Davi: Thanks, Geri
[11:03] Julynn Lilliehook: second
[11:03] Geri Kuhn: Do we have a second? Thanks
[11:03] Geri Kuhn: All in favor?
[11:03] Yoss Kamachi: aye
[11:03] Julynn Lilliehook: aye
[11:03] Sam4 Courtois: Too bad we didn't have a quorum
[11:03] Donnalyn Davi: aye
[11:03] Lexis Looming: aye
[11:03] Sam4 Courtois: aye
[11:03] Geri Kuhn: We are adjourned.

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