[10:07] Geri Kuhn: Welcome to the November 13th meeting of the SL Bar Association.
[10:07] Geri Kuhn: As a reminder, our meeting transcripts our posted on our website.
[10:08] Geri Kuhn: Our agenda items today include :1) recap of the Halloween party, 2) CLE events; 3) 501(c)(3) status; 4) coffee chatrs ; 5) any other business
[10:09] Geri Kuhn: Hi Rykk
[10:09] Rykk Ferraris: Heyas
[10:09] Juris Amat: smiles
[10:09] Geri Kuhn: So first the Hallloween party. I wasn't able to attend but was wondering how it was.
[10:09] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet raises a hand!
[10:09] Yoss Kamachi: hiya peeps
[10:09] Geri Kuhn: Yes Agenda
[10:10] Kaseido QuandryKaseido Quandry waves at Soro, Michelle and Agenda
[10:11] Soro Dagostino: Hello Kas.
[10:11] Michele JigsawMichele Jigsaw waves back
[10:11] Geri Kuhn: Agenda, you still htere?
[10:11] Agenda Faromet: The Halloween Party was /awesome/. It was really well done and everyone had a blast. There were some brilliant costumes, loads of games and dancing, and really, it was a great time. Mick and his girlfriend were excellent hosts and gave out costume prizes to everyone, which was very generous of them.
[10:11] Geri Kuhn: ah..
[10:11] Agenda Faromet: Yes, I don't have my typing animation turned on, sorry.
[10:11] Geri Kuhn: hehe, okay
[10:12] Geri Kuhn: Was anyone else there and wants to add anything?
[10:12] Yoss Kamachi: i thought it was a nice event
[10:12] Michele Jigsaw: missed it...forgot the changed date
[10:12] Soro Dagostino: back in a sec.
[10:12] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn nods.
[10:12] Rykk Ferraris: My wife & I dropped in for a bit, was very nice
[10:12] Geri Kuhn: good to hear
[10:13] Geri Kuhn: It was nice of Mick to host it and I'll send him a note to thank him.
[10:13] Geri Kuhn: Okay, on to our next item, CLE. Juris, do you want to talk about what you are planning?
[10:14] Michele JigsawMichele Jigsaw raises her hand
[10:14] Geri Kuhn: One Sec Michele although I am going to ask you
[10:14] Geri Kuhn: well maybe nhow since Juris is away
[10:14] Geri Kuhn: I was going to put you on the spot
[10:14] Geri Kuhn: and ask you, what was up but maybe you have a suggestion?
[10:15] Michele Jigsaw: lol I emailed Cat yesterday with some suggestions and to ask what needed to be provided
[10:15] Michele Jigsaw: the money laundering person is VERY interested
[10:15] Michele Jigsaw: so I don't want to lose him
[10:15] Juris Amat: HI Michele!
[10:15] Geri Kuhn: That is terrificx
[10:15] Geri Kuhn: Excuse my typing
[10:15] Michele Jigsaw: hi Juris. good to see you
[10:16] Juris Amat: likewise ;)
[10:16] Geri Kuhn: You have Cat's email address?
[10:16] Geri Kuhn: not just SL IM, rightg?
[10:16] Juris Amat: somewhere
[10:16] Michele Jigsaw: I dropped her a note..dont have her rl info
[10:16] Geri Kuhn: Okay, I will send it to you because I don't think she is on SL much
[10:16] Juris Amat: I have it from past board corrspondence
[10:16] Michele Jigsaw: ok good
[10:16] Juris Amat: ok good
[10:16] Geri Kuhn: Okay great Juris.
[10:17] Juris Amat: lol
[10:17] Michele Jigsaw: also have the lawyers who talk about regulation of adult content
[10:17] Geri Kuhn: that sounds good
[10:17] Geri Kuhn: Any other topics, Michele?
[10:18] Juris Amat: As far as me Im planning a CLE on trademarks avatars and publicty rights in December
[10:18] Michele Jigsaw: not sure its a topic for CLE
[10:18] Geri Kuhn: One sec, Juris
[10:18] Michele Jigsaw: oh Juris did you talk to Draxtor
[10:19] Michele Jigsaw: he trademarked his avatar
[10:19] Juris Amat: no
[10:19] Michele Jigsaw: and went after some one who was using his avatar's image
[10:19] Juris Amat: great; i'll look into it
[10:19] Geri Kuhn: Were you finished Michele?
[10:19] Juris Amat: there are a few already
[10:19] Michele Jigsaw: the last subject I had was a topic which is not quite for cle
[10:19] Michele Jigsaw: but I had someone from law enforcement come in and talk about how he uses virtual spaces to apprehend criminals
[10:20] Michele Jigsaw: that was fascinating
[10:20] Geri Kuhn: That sounds interesting..and I bet it could be used for CLE
[10:20] Geri Kuhn: Can you get him?
[10:20] Juris Amat: yeah it does
[10:20] Michele Jigsaw: oh yeah
[10:20] Michele Jigsaw: but as I said..I need to have my people come in the spring
[10:21] Geri Kuhn: Okay, well I'll send you Cat's RL info and please coordinate with her
[10:21] Michele Jigsaw: ok..Im at a wifi in Starbucks..gonna have to run when the grandbaby wakes up
[10:21] Geri Kuhn: all right, thanks for being here
[10:21] Lexis LoomingLexis Looming smiles
[10:21] Geri Kuhn: Juris, tell us a bit more about your talk
[10:21] Juris Amat: smiles
[10:21] Geri Kuhn: and the possile dates
[10:22] Geri Kuhn: *possible
[10:22] Juris Amat: well it has to do with how certain avatrs are becming famous actors via their participation in machinima films as well as how famous personas are being used in avatr frms
[10:23] Juris Amat: has anyone heard about the no doubt dispute regaridng the use of their avatars in the guitar hero game?
[10:23] Juris Amat: hat kind of stuff and lts more
[10:23] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins.
[10:23] Geri Kuhn: It sounds great
[10:24] Juris Amat: should be entertaining
[10:24] Geri Kuhn: When would you like to do it?
[10:24] Juris Amat: I was thinking around december 10th or 11th
[10:25] Geri Kuhn: Would you like to do it after the next membership meeting?
[10:25] Juris Amat: i would also cover common law trademarks and the internet lots of useful info for ip practioners
[10:25] Juris Amat: sure
[10:25] Geri Kuhn: How do folks feel about that time? Is it good?
[10:25] Juris Amat: after the next gen meeting sounds great
[10:26] Yoss Kamachi: i concur
[10:26] Michele Jigsaw: topic sounds great
[10:26] Lexis Looming: It sounds interesting
[10:26] Juris Amat: yay!
[10:26] Geri Kuhn: Okay, well if you can coordinate with Cat, it would be great. Can you send some info to Yoss so he can put it on the website?
[10:27] Juris Amat: sure. will do.
[10:27] Geri Kuhn: Even if Cat can't be here, she can set it up
[10:27] Geri Kuhn: Thanks for volunteering to do this.
[10:27] Geri Kuhn: It will be great to have a CLE event.
[10:28] Geri Kuhn: Lexis are you ready? If not, I can move on to another item of the agenda.
[10:28] Lexis Looming: I am
[10:28] Geri Kuhn: All right, our next item is our 501(c)(3) application. with the IRS. Lexis will give a status update.
[10:28] Geri Kuhn: The floor is yours.
[10:29] Lexis Looming: I will explain the issue and then open the discussion.
[10:29] Lexis Looming: This issue that confronts us is that we have applied for tax exempt status under US Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), which entitles ust to tax exemption and our donors to a caritable deduction for donations. The classification is limeted to organizations that limit themselves exclusively to the qualifying activity. Our only qualifying activity is education.
[10:30] Lexis Looming: The IRS has finally responded to our application. They have reviewed our website. They have informed us that we have to stop all our non-educational activities, such as coffees, parties, etc. if we wish to continue our application for (c)(3) status
[10:30] Lexis Looming: They have informed us that we could qualify as a 501(c)(6) or Business League. We get all the same exemptions except donors would have to find some other basis to deduct their donations, as they can't take a charitable contribution.
[10:30] Lexis Looming: Soro, I am glad you are here. I think that when we initially discussed this matter you pointed out we we picking the wrong category. You were right.
[10:31] Lexis Looming: The board discussed this matter and felt it should be submitted to the membership for input. Some on the Board want to to amend our application to 501(c)(6). Some want to abandon the tax exempt application. One perhaps wishes to even disband as a corporation.
[10:31] Michele Jigsaw: ((ok gotta go..will read transcript))
[10:31] Juris Amat: Bye Michele!
[10:31] Soro Dagostino: Not only that -- with the new 990 reporting -- there will be no privacy.
[10:31] Lexis Looming: Ultimately we decided to wait until the next meeting to decide. Please discuss this matter in the forums. I believe a survey will be posted
[10:32] Soro Dagostino: Not a requirement for the (c)(6)
[10:32] Agenda Faromet: I'm sorry -- what, Soro?
[10:32] Lexis Looming: ..Yoss, how are we going to do that?
[10:32] Lexis Looming: how will we handle the survey?
[10:33] Yoss Kamachi: i've created a new forum and posted the discussion transcript there on our web site
[10:33] Juris Amat: I was of the opinion that the board was approved to spend the funds (350 usd) to pursuing tax exempt status and I believe to abandon the application completely would be a misuse of funds
[10:33] Lexis Looming: Please vote on the surve
[10:33] Juris Amat: please do
[10:33] Lexis Looming: and now for your comments
[10:33] Geri Kuhn: Lexis, could you first start and basically repaste that nice summary you gave at our board meeting
[10:33] Geri Kuhn: about the advantages of doing this
[10:34] Lexis Looming: I can't paste it but I can tell you
[10:34] Geri Kuhn: okay that will work too :)
[10:35] Lexis Looming: that the advantage of being incorporated is it provides the sheild from liability for our activities such as referrals
[10:35] Lexis Looming: and lends credibility and legitimacy to us
[10:35] Lexis Looming: both in our presence as a bar associationa nd in networking with other bar associations
[10:36] Lexis Looming: the 501c6 status lets us be tax exempt and do everything we want to do
[10:36] Lexis Looming: if we are exempt under federal law we are exempt under California law
[10:37] Lexis Looming: and we are so small we have no fee to file the 990N federal form
[10:37] Soro Dagostino: /Raise hand
[10:37] Juris Amat: meaning we wont have to pay taxes on the income derived from memberhsip fees and fees collected form activites...or am I wrong?
[10:37] Geri Kuhn: Yes Soro.
[10:37] Juris Amat: sorry i didnt raise my hand
[10:37] Lexis LoomingLexis Looming grins
[10:37] Geri Kuhn: no problem Juris, perhaps Lexis or Soro can answer that
[10:37] Soro Dagostino: Depends on status of income.
[10:38] Juris Amat: ah ha
[10:38] Soro Dagostino: Donations from members -- no -- but money from non-members is taxable.
[10:38] Geri Kuhn: What about membership dues, Soro?
[10:39] Soro Dagostino: Those are donations from members.
[10:39] Soro Dagostino: Business expense to lawyers.
[10:39] Geri Kuhn: Good to hear.
[10:39] Soro Dagostino: If they generate income from the membership . . . LOL
[10:40] Geri Kuhn: And Soro, since you have some knowledge about this...do you see any disadvantages with us pursuing this designation?
[10:40] Juris Amat: right;0 income from memerbship ;)
[10:40] Soro Dagostino: I think it appropriate
[10:40] Juris Amat: i agree
[10:41] Soro Dagostino: But not a (c)(3)
[10:41] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn nods.
[10:41] Juris Amat: ok
[10:41] Lexis Looming: We would have to abandon all our socail activities to continue to pursue c3 status
[10:41] Lexis Looming: social
[10:41] Lexis Looming: no coffees; not parties
[10:42] Geri Kuhn: Yeah that would be a shame
[10:42] Juris Amat: social activites are a boon to our memerbship
[10:42] Geri Kuhn: and we don't want to do that
[10:42] Juris Amat: right
[10:42] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins.
[10:42] Geri Kuhn: Okay, any other discussion about this?
[10:42] Lexis Looming: The IRS letter says if we want c 3 status all socializing and networking must cease
[10:42] Juris Amat: more membership means more membership fees...which should be tax deductible. I think it fits
[10:42] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins.
[10:42] Juris Amat: c6 that is
[10:43] Soro Dagostino: Excuse me, RL calls.
[10:43] Geri Kuhn: Okay, thanks Lexis for your work on this issue
[10:43] Geri Kuhn: and thanks Soro
[10:43] Geri Kuhn: Please respond in the forum with your thoughts.
[10:43] Lexis Looming: If there are members of the board wishing to voice an opposing pointo f view. I invite you to have your say
[10:44] DanielPerry Laa: 501c6 more appropriate than 501c3 but littke valu to giving deduction for OUR membership fees weighed agaonst cost/headache of pursuing 501c6
[10:44] Juris Amat: already invested the cost and Lex the time.
[10:44] Juris Amat: headache ;)
[10:44] Lexis Looming: By the way, I did alot (not all) of the work on the c3 application and volunteer to do the c6 application
[10:45] DanielPerry Laa: Continuing burden of time and money - we voted to survey membership - I am concerned that members may not think its worth the effort
[10:45] Yoss Kamachi: thxs lex for the contribution
[10:45] Juris Amat: I appreciate that very much. Thank you Lex.
[10:45] Lexis Looming: Legal and his legal assistant also helped on the 501c3
[10:45] Geri Kuhn: Yes, they put a lot of work into it.
[10:46] DanielPerry Laa: Yes, thanks to Lex for the push for 501c3 - mayve members want us to go in direction of 501c6 maybe not
[10:46] Sam4 Courtois: My only thought is to find as many ways as possible to encourage membership participation on the forum
[10:46] Geri Kuhn: All right well the issue will be posted in the forums for people to respond. We can send out notices as well which I'll after the meeting.
[10:46] Geri Kuhn: And it will be on our website.
[10:46] Lexis Looming: which forum?
[10:46] Lexis Looming: ning or .info?
[10:46] Geri Kuhn: Yoss, can you give us the link?
[10:46] Juris Amat: Totally AND the past mebership and board agreed to the pursuit of tax exempt status already.
[10:47] Yoss Kamachi: i created a new forum on the Ning site for this topic
[10:47] Lexis Looming: great, thanks Yoss
[10:47] Juris Amat: Thanks Yoss.
[10:47] DanielPerry Laa: Juris - a 501c6 is different from a 501c3
[10:47] Yoss Kamachi: here is the link:
http://slbarassn.ning.com/forum/topics/501c3-versus-501c6-tax-status[10:47] Sam4 Courtois: Can you explain that a little Danial?
[10:48] Juris Amat: Agreed but the fees can be applied to the change is that not right? and some tax exempt status is better than none.
[10:48] Lexis Looming: I will have to ask the IRS agent if we have to pay a new fee. I don't know but I sure hope not
[10:49] Juris Amat: me too.
[10:49] DanielPerry Laa: It primarily has to do with a long-term business model - a 501c3 can get substantial charitable donations to operate. A 501c6 is hsmpered from that contrubtion model BECAYSE it is primarily a mentiring, educational and associstion al entity
[10:49] Sam4 Courtois: But why does that matter to us exactly
[10:50] Juris Amat: do you want to pay taxes?
[10:50] Sam4 Courtois: We don't expect substantial contributions
[10:50] Juris Amat: but we're not a profit seeking organization either
[10:51] Lexis Looming: I don't want to pay taxes...the minimun california fee is more than we can afford, and I don't want to give up our corproate status to avoid that fee
[10:51] DanielPerry Laa: 501c6 - membership fees are deductible to the members. Very few 501c6 entities survive - certsinly on the level of oUR membership fees YET we will have have someone continue to file forms and if we stumble, penalties can be huge
[10:51] Sam4 Courtois: Aha
[10:51] Lexis Looming: my county bar association has survived as c6 for almost 100 years
[10:51] Juris Amat: most do
[10:51] Lexis Looming: oops over 100 yearsw
[10:51] Sam4 Courtois: So we need to have someone shut the lights off
[10:52] Sam4 Courtois: Is that your main point?
[10:52] Geri Kuhn: I would like to move on in the interest of time
[10:52] Geri Kuhn: we have 8 minutes left
[10:52] DanielPerry Laa: If you cannot get subdyantial contributions what value does a 501c6 offer ? I don't see it. I am general counsel to a 50c6 now and they are still fussing over how ad whether to continue as a 501c6
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: I hope this discussion can be continued in the forums.
[10:53] DanielPerry Laa: sorry - nuff said need tyoing class
[10:53] DanielPerry Laa: typing
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: Thank you all for your comments
[10:53] Kaseido Quandry: (excuse me, I have to head to another meeting)
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: No worries about typing
[10:53] Sam4 CourtoisSam4 Courtois smiles - We all read Typonese
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: Thank you for coming Kas
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: okay
[10:53] Yoss Kamachi: lol
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: on to our social activities
[10:53] Juris Amat: smiles
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: :)
[10:53] Geri Kuhn: Sam
[10:53] Sam4 Courtois: Thanks
[10:54] Geri Kuhn: shall we plan some more?
[10:54] Sam4 Courtois: Coffees are awesome
[10:54] Sam4 Courtois: Tons of fun
[10:54] Sam4 Courtois: Better attendance than at meetings
[10:54] Sam4 Courtois: We have a great venue here thanks to Agenda
[10:54] Geri Kuhn: Yes, and by the way Agenca, thanks for the decorations
[10:54] Geri Kuhn: It sure looks nice
[10:54] DanielPerry Laa: Thanks Agenda - it is beautiful!
[10:55] Lexis LoomingLexis Looming applauds Agenda
[10:55] Sam4 Courtois: Our survey got a few replies, but the sense is that we should have them earlier
[10:55] Sam4 Courtois: I favor ahving them every two weeks on Wednesday
[10:55] Sam4 Courtois: I think we should make them earlier in the day so that Europe can participate
[10:56] Geri Kuhn: What time would you like to suggest?
[10:56] Juris Amat: Looks great! applause
[10:56] Sam4 Courtois: I am thinking we try one at 10a.a. SLT
[10:56] Sam4 Courtois: a.m.
[10:56] Geri Kuhn: Okay, sure we can try that
[10:56] Sam4 Courtois: give it a try'
[10:56] Geri Kuhn: What would the date be?
[10:56] Sam4 Courtois: I propose next Wednesday
[10:56] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet grins. "Thanks, guys! So glad you like it."
[10:56] Sam4 Courtois: Agenda, can you work with that?
[10:57] Geri Kuhn: So, November 17 at 10:00 a.m.?
[10:57] Sam4 Courtois: Yes please
[10:57] Rykk Ferraris: Well, if we do them twice monthly, one can be at 10AM, the other in the evening....10AM eliminates 90% of US folks
[10:57] Agenda Faromet: I can't make it for then, but please have fun without me.
[10:58] Geri Kuhn: I think alternating is a good idea.
[10:58] Sam4 Courtois: we can alternate
[10:58] Sam4 Courtois: 10 a.m. one week
[10:58] Geri Kuhn: and so December 1?
[10:58] Sam4 Courtois: 5 p.m. two weeks later
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: okay
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: How is that Rykk?
[10:59] Yoss Kamachi: i will post to our website
[10:59] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins.
[10:59] Geri Kuhn: Great, thanks Yoss.
[10:59] Yoss Kamachi: Will these be here at the SLBA offices?
[10:59] Rykk Ferraris: Perfect. Both continents get to participate that way
[10:59] Sam4 Courtois: yes
[10:59] Sam4 Courtois: downstairs
[10:59] Sam4 Courtois: no dancing allowed
[10:59] Agenda Faromet: I am pretty much going to be unavailable for the next month or so -- exams are starting. Believe me, I'll be jealous.
[11:00] Geri Kuhn: Well then you'll be free and we'll be jealous.
[11:00] Geri Kuhn: Thanks Sam for coordinating this.
[11:00] Juris Amat: ;)
[11:01] Geri Kuhn: Does anyone have any other issues they wish to raise?
[11:01] Juris Amat: Thnx Sam!@
[11:01] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet raises her hand a bit. "I do...sort of?"
[11:01] Geri Kuhn: okay sure
[11:02] Sam4 Courtois: Sorry - crashed
[11:02] Lexis Looming: wb Sam
[11:03] Agenda Faromet: We had some feedback on Sam's member survey -- not much, but some! A couple people mentioned that they would like to see more links to SL resources. In response, I am working on some notecards to put in the library on creating a professional-looking avatar in SL for very little money. What other sorts of links would you like to see in our library?
[11:04] Sam4 Courtois: World Time Clock
[11:04] Geri Kuhn: I think that is a great idea, Agenda and thanks for your work on this.
[11:04] Geri Kuhn: Wow, great idea Sam
[11:04] Geri Kuhn: Very helpful
[11:04] Yoss Kamachi: There was one more survey response from when I emailed the exec. comm.
[11:04] Yoss Kamachi: That Cat may have some other content to include
[11:04] Agenda Faromet: Okay, I can do that -- our clocks are currently set to SL time, but I can get us a world time -- okay.
[11:04] Juris Amat: We're working on an avaar creator registry. I'll keep in touch about that. but i gotta go. Bye everybody. Its bedtime for my kiddies here in cet (central european time) zone.
[11:05] DanielPerry Laa: Is it possible to build in audio/video recording - one-touch to this location?
[11:05] Juris Amat: at vipo that is
[11:05] Yoss Kamachi: bye juris
[11:05] Sam4 Courtois: Bye Juris
[11:05] Lexis Looming: bye Juris. thank you
[11:05] Geri Kuhn: Thanks Juris. Night.
[11:05] Agenda Faromet: Audio / video recording -- like logging? Oh, you mean for CLE?
[11:06] Juris Amat: bye everybody. I'll check the transcripts.
[11:06] DanielPerry Laa: recording of everything we do - and for cle
[11:06] Agenda Faromet: You do that on the client side -- on your own computer. There are many programs that can do it. We'd just have to designate someone to do that.
[11:07] Sam4 Courtois: Just out of curiosity - how many members do we need to conduct business?
[11:07] DanielPerry Laa: justw ant to understand why we can't video/record all activites for replay - automatically - even if we have to host videos on WWW
[11:07] Lexis Looming: 10
[11:08] Geri Kuhn: Thanks Agenda for volunteering to do this.
[11:08] Lexis Looming: I think each of has the ability to record
[11:08] Geri Kuhn: If anyone has any more ideas for Agenda, please send them to her.
[11:09] Geri Kuhn: I would like to conclude the meeting if there is no other business.
[11:09] Sam4 Courtois: Would a motion to adjourn be out of order?
[11:09] Geri Kuhn: Sounds good
[11:09] DanielPerry Laa: New bylaws to be posted - the old ones are still up.
[11:09] Sam4 Courtois: So moved
[11:09] Yoss Kamachi: second
[11:09] Agenda Faromet: Also, if I may -- I'm stalled on the building because I need feedback on things I've sent out, such as the copyright document and whether or not we're putting credentialed members' contact information downstairs. /Also/, I don't know where we are on the privacy policy.
[11:10] Geri Kuhn: I think Lexis volunteered to work on the privacy policy but he is kind of busy..don't want to speak for him though :)
[11:11] Geri Kuhn: I will allso ask Mick
[11:11] Lexis Looming: I can help on that
[11:11] Agenda Faromet: I would be glad to work on the privacy policy -- I just need a real lawyer to supervise.
[11:11] Geri Kuhn: Okay it sounds like at least there are two of you.
[11:12] Lexis Looming: anybody know any of those?
[11:12] Lexis Looming: lol
[11:12] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet laughs!
[11:12] Yoss Kamachi: i've been faking it for years
[11:12] Lexis Looming: I keep practicing, but not sure if i got the hang of it yet
[11:12] Yoss Kamachi: lol
[11:13] DanielPerry Laa: Have to run - Bye folks!
[11:13] Yoss Kamachi: bye
[11:13] Geri Kuhn: Bye Daniel
[11:13] Agenda Faromet: Bye, Daniel!
[11:13] Geri Kuhn: Agenda, can we include the other items on the agenda for the next meeting?
[11:13] Geri Kuhn: People appear to be leaving
[11:13] Agenda Faromet: Certainly, but I may not be at the next meeting.
[11:13] Geri Kuhn: January?
[11:13] Agenda Faromet: Sure.
[11:13] Geri Kuhn: Okay thanks.
[11:14] Geri Kuhn: Back to the motion
[11:14] Geri Kuhn: All in favor of adjourning
[11:14] Agenda Faromet: Aye.
[11:14] Yoss Kamachi: aye
[11:14] Geri Kuhn: aye
[11:14] Beth Spaartza: aye
[11:14] Geri Kuhn: opposed ?
[11:14] Geri Kuhn: Guess not
[11:14] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet laughs.
[11:14] Geri KuhnGeri Kuhn grins
[11:14] Geri Kuhn: Thanks everyone for coming and for your work.