SL Bar Association

SL Bar Association

[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Well, we don't have a quorum, but I hope we will soon.
[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The agenda has been posted to everyone I think.
[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Any amendments?
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lexis isn't here to give a treasure's report; however, last month I was alarmed to hear we were spending faster than we were taking money in, so I hope we can address that at some point.
[10:09] Lyra SnowpawLyra Snowpaw waves to Elizabeth
[10:09] Jonathan Kramer: Good afternoon ( your time) Elizabeth!
[10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: God Mroning elizabeth.
[10:09] Jonathan Kramer: Sam, how fast is 'fast'?
[10:09] Elizabeth: Thank you so much. Hello everyone!
[10:10] Soro Dagostino: Hello Liz
[10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Welcome Agenda
[10:10] Elizabeth: Hi Agenda
[10:10] Agenda Faromet: Sorry I'm late. The calendar invite said the meeting was at 11 -- I thought I still had another hour!
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Also, Daniel is not here - he was going to work on the Law of SL project, but I ahven't heard that he has namde any progress.
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Elizabeth - has he been in touch with you?
[10:11] Elizabeth: No, he hasn't
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Moving right along - Jonathan - you're wre going to give some thought to membership issues.
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do you ahve a report to share?
[10:13] Jonathan Kramer: Not so much as a report as a small group of ideas. I've been going back over the transcripts of many of our prior meetings and a pattern seems to pop...
[10:14] Jonathan Kramer: Specifically, that we have a core of members who are trying to recruit new members. We've had very limited success over...
[10:14] Jonathan Kramer: the past couple of years because...
[10:14] Jonathan Kramer: of what I believe is a technology barrier. In talking with attorneys who SHOULD...
[10:15] DanielPerry Laa: Hi folks - sorry I am late
[10:15] Jonathan Kramer: be interested in joining us, the feedback I receive fairly often is that....
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Welcome Daniel!
[10:15] Elizabeth: Hi Daniel
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Good to see you.
[10:16] Jonathan Kramer: there is a feeling that communicating via avatars is more difficult than communicating via email. While...
[10:16] Jonathan Kramer: we know that there is a difference, that difference is not...
[10:17] Jonathan Kramer: so great as RLers might think. With this in mind, I've been asking follow-up...
[10:17] Jonathan Kramer: questions to RLers about the best way to introduce SL and SLBA to potential members. One recurring answer is that....
[10:18] Jonathan Kramer: simply inviting a RLer to sit with a SLBA member during a meeting would help to overcome the questions about the mechanics of 'doing' an on line meeting. That doesn't solve the second problem, however, which is...
[10:19] Jonathan Kramer: to explain why being a member of SLBA is a valuable prop. Chicken and egg. That's why I think we must focus on the program offerings....
[10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We will be doing that very soon.
[10:20] Jonathan Kramer: to attract RLers to join us. (CLE programs, specially.)
[10:20] Jonathan Kramer: <sitting down>
[10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Good report, thank you Jonathan - please keep up the good work.
[10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Daniel - we skipped over you a moment ago, but do you have anything to report of the Law of SL initiative?
[10:22] DanielPerry Laa: Nothing to report - my understanding was that there was no consensus of that project going anywhere. Was I wrong?
[10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We are hoping that we might be able to build a program around that concept later on this year.
[10:23] Lyra SnowpawLyra Snowpaw raises hand
[10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes Lyra?
[10:23] DanielPerry Laa: We? Who is interested in such a project? I thought it was a dead issue.
[10:23] Lyra Snowpaw: Just a thought as we are talking about SL Law development
[10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Go ahead.
[10:23] Lyra Snowpaw: Perhaps an idea to get more people interested would be to hold a clinilc to help ppl with TOS issues. . .
[10:23] Agenda Faromet: That's a great idea to add to the CLE calendar.
[10:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Good point - hold that thought
[10:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I'm sorry, Daniel - I understood that you were going to get a small group together to explore the issue.
[10:25] Sam Courtois. Esq.: You had propsoed it as a project what? a year ago.
[10:25] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet raises a hand.
[10:25] DanielPerry Laa: TOS expertise? in a clinic setting? Hmmmm... moght be worth considering. Who would be interested in that project?
[10:25] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Go ahead Agenda.
[10:26] DanielPerry Laa: Proposed it and asked for response - had very limited response
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda?
[10:26] Lyra Snowpaw: Sorry? I am geting confused about what we are discussing here. . .
[10:26] Baeric Constantine: With all the current changes to varying ToS, not the least of which is Google's latest incarnation, I think that a project focusing on TOS (not simply SL TOS) could be beneficial.
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We reverted to Daniel's report.
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Daniel wasn't here when it first came up.
[10:27] DanielPerry Laa: Baeric - interesting point.
[10:27] Agenda Faromet: I agree with Daniel on this. I think we've had a lot of meetings discussing the SL law concept, and at all of them, support was lacking. I don't see a need to spend a lot of time on it. Daniel, we had discussed that /if/ there was interest in the idea of SL law, maybe we could have a CLE discussing the state of virtual law in general; however, if there is neither support nor interest on your end, I'm with you -- let's leave it and move on.
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Baeric - I think it has some potential - hold the thought for a moment.
[10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is that the way you feel about it Daniel?
[10:28] Agenda Faromet: As for TOS, I'd jump on that and be willing to do a CLE: I'll be presenting on best practices in terms of service at the ABA meeting at the end of the month.
[10:28] DanielPerry Laa: Thanks, Agenda, fir succinctly stating the point.
[10:29] DanielPerry Laa: I agree with Agenda.
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - then we will abandon that issue for the time being.
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Any objections?
[10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Hearing none, let's revert to the orders of the day.
[10:30] Jonathan Kramer: Sir. Yes sir!
[10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Elizabeth - any thoughts on programs?
[10:30] Elizabeth: My apologies to everyone that I didn't meet with anyone about programs for the future. My father passed away and as his primary caretaker I haven't had a chance to focus on anything else recently. I hope to work on it a bit more soon. Please accept my sincere apologies as I know this is important to the organization.
[10:30] Jonathan Kramer: Sorry sorry, my friend!
[10:30] Lyra Snowpaw: Very sorry to hear that Elizabeth
[10:30] Tim Faith: sorry for your loss.
[10:31] Elizabeth: Thank you all.
[10:31] Baeric Constantine: The main issue, I think, with an SL law project, is the lack of enforceability, and the lack of support Linden Research... and lower down the chain, the lack of support of those running businesses in SL... there is the feeling that SL should be somewhat free of such regualtions. I think that is the barrier facing Daniel, not whether members of SLBA support it or not.
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: You have pour deepest condolences. And RL always comes first.
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: our*
[10:31] Suemoon Magic: I just heard Agenda volunteer for a program ㋡
[10:31] Baeric Constantine: My condolences, Elizabeth
[10:31] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet looks innocent.
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes - we have a couple of programs in the pipeline already.
[10:32] Elizabeth: Thank you all. Means a lot to me.
[10:32] Baeric Constantine: There is a vast difference between looking and being innocent, Agenda ;)
[10:32] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet laughs and grins.
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The first program in the pipeline is Agenda's proposed CLE
[10:33] Lyra Snowpaw: *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[10:33] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda - would you please lay out what you ahve in mind?
[10:33] Agenda Faromet: Oh -- was I supposed to discuss that? I thought I was doing a Justitia status report.
[10:33] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That too.
[10:33] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet scrambles for notes.
[10:34] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Would you like a minute?
[10:34] Sam Courtois. Esq.: we can come back to you.
[10:34] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet laughs. "I'm trying to remember what I volunteered to do. Other than the ToS thing I just opened my big mouth about."
[10:34] DanielPerry Laa: Condolences, Elizabeth!
[10:34] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[10:34] Elizabeth: Thank you Daniel, I appreciate it.
[10:34] Sam Courtois. Esq.: get yourself organized and we can come back.
[10:35] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The second program we have inthe pipeline is the Lawe Day Initiative - Lyra and Robin ahve been working on that. - Lyra?
[10:35] Lyra Snowpaw: RS if it's ok with you I can get a few generals out of the way and then we can go to venues and events. . .
[10:35] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do you have a report?
[10:35] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Excellent.
[10:35] zenitram: sure ... I do have a report ready to roll
[10:35] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Roin?
[10:36] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Robin.
[10:36] Lyra Snowpaw: Law Day is something recognized in the US on May 1st every year. I have distilled the official Law Day Guidebook which is contained in the points that follow. Please note however, the guidebook is geared for the United States and I don't think, with a global platform like SL, it is proper to limit Law Day on SL to events based on US law or legal history. That being said, my knowledge law/ legal history from non-US countries is very limited so anyone who can jump in with other suggestions, please do so we can appeal to a large part of the SL public.
[10:36] Lyra Snowpaw: Events listed in Showcase (most likely) and on the (definitely) website. There are also a few SL-based media sources however I have not researched these yet.

The courts are essential to a free society.
The courts belong to everybody.
The courts are “Society’s Emergency Room.”
The courts are important to families.
The courts are important to businesses.
Judicial caseloads are on the rise.
The courts are struggling with severe budget cuts.
Criminal trials are being delayed.
Civil backlogs are growing.
Justice is in jeopardy.

public, policy makers, the media,
and opinion leaders.
[10:37] Lyra Snowpaw: SUGGESTED VENUES:
capitol buildings, courthouses, city or town halls,
schools, community centers, or other
public buildings.
[10:37] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Are you recruiting volunteers in each of these areas?
[10:38] Lyra Snowpaw: We have several possibilities in SL and RS has made some headway on this
[10:38] Lyra Snowpaw: No these are simply ideas for the group to decide on
[10:38] Lyra Snowpaw: SUGGESTED FORMATS:
public rally, press-releases, press-conferences,
public hearings, moderated panel discussions,
mock court proceedings, film festivals (suggested films: A Cry In The Dark, 12 Angry Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Gideon’s Trumpet,
Philadelphia, Amistad, Erin Brockovich), exhibits,
re-enactments. . .

Regarding formats: please keep in mind that we will have limited staffing and a large window of time to fill up. So event ideas requiring little or no staff that are on-going are best.
[10:39] Lyra Snowpaw: SUGGESTED PARTNERS:
media, legal, educational, and business groups

1) Do a traditional Law Day event or something that could only be done in or is SL-specific?
2) Event ideas
3) Venue ideas
4) Committee volunteers
[10:39] Lyra Snowpaw: Sorry, brevity is not my forte. . .
[10:39] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Perhaps you should pick two or three concepts to focus on?
[10:39] Baeric Constantine: That seemed a concise comment though :P
[10:40] Baeric Constantine: Why not put it to a vote and see who likes which topics
[10:40] Lyra Snowpaw: Ok first, do we want to do something tradionally Law Day or SL oriented?
[10:40] Lyra Snowpaw: That's a group question
[10:40] Baeric Constantine: then pick the three most popular?
[10:40] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The cahoir will entertain amotion.
[10:40] zenitram: raises hand
[10:40] Elizabeth: If I may? I think we can call it "Law Day" and perhaps incorporate SL into it.
[10:41] Baeric Constantine: SL-Law Day?
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes Robin.
[10:41] Lyra Snowpaw: second
[10:41] zenitram: before voting on anything, allow me to post some comments as well
[10:41] zenitram: I'd like to take those into consideration
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Please
[10:41] Elizabeth: What was the motion?
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: None yet.
[10:42] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Go ahead Robin.
[10:42] zenitram: Brevity isn't my strong suit either, so here goes
[10:42] zenitram: As Lyra just stated, we’ve been looking at two issues in order to move the Law Day project forward: first, program content/format and second, location. Content and format is a topic that needs further discussion among the group, but there are a number of ideas as Lyra has presented – we’ve discussed ideas ranging from setting up static exhibits for a period of time, to panel discussions focused on various aspects of law that might be of interest to SL residents (TOS as was just mentioned, and copyright basics for content creators are a couple examples). I think the key to a successful event is figuring out a way to engage SL residents.
Securing a good location is important. Our initial thoughts were that we should attempt to host Law Day events in collaboration with other groups that have both large membership lists and a good venue, and use their group announcements to promote the event. I don’t think any of us want to invest the time into doing this if our audience will consist of only ourselves an
[10:42] zenitram: .... and other lawyers. The key, at least in our minds, was to reach a wider audience as Lyra has noted. We don’t want to be just talking amongst ourselves.
One of the first groups fitting that criteria that came to mind was Caledon Oxbridge Univ. (it’s a steampunk themed sim). They have a great lecture hall, a group membership in excess of 6,000, and regularly host discussions on a variety of topics. I took the liberty of contacting the folks who run that sim and organize events. They expressed preliminary interest, but wanted to discuss it with their various stakeholders before making any commitments. I told them this was a work in progress, so no immediate rush.
In the meantime, we’re open to suggestions for possible collaboration with other groups. For example, we could approach RL universities that have sims they might be willing to make available. Any other ideas and contacts are welcome, as I don’t think we should limit ourselves to one venue.
[10:43] Elizabeth: I think that is a wonderful idea. Perhaps I could speak with a friend who is often involved with the ISTE conference that takes place on SL over 2 days.
[10:43] zenitram: ... OK ... that's a mouthful ... but I wanted everyone to have the benefit of those thoughts as discussion moved forward
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Very exciting!
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Very exciting.
[10:44] Lyra SnowpawLyra Snowpaw raises hand
[10:44] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes Lyra
[10:44] Agenda Faromet: I really like this idea. I hope we can also pull in people from other, non-legal areas of SL who might be interested in legal questions.
[10:44] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Absolutely.
[10:44] DanielPerry Laa: Very interesting
[10:44] Lyra Snowpaw: I like RS's idea of a panel discussion, and perhaps that can be recorded and played over the SL media stations
[10:45] Suemoon Magic: I think the librarians might let us announce things in their groups
[10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Once again, the chair will entertain a motion on this proposal.
[10:45] Lyra Snowpaw: Also, i am partial to the ideas of Exhibits, perhaps influential court cases from various countries
[10:45] Lyra Snowpaw: The film festival idea also seems do-able. . .
[10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do we have a motion?
[10:45] Elizabeth: If I may, I am not sure there's a motion yet. I think we are just discussing possibilities.
[10:46] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet nods at Elizabeth.
[10:46] Lyra Snowpaw: Moved
[10:46] Baeric Constantine: I think it needs to be kept in mind, the purpose for whcih many come to SL... earlier it was mentioned that SLBA is an association that attorneys etc should join, but I disagree. That is a false expectation... as many come here to relax and leave behind the RL part of their lives. I think that is the major stumbling block growth in SL.
[10:46] Agenda Faromet: I don't think anyone has, yet, proposed a course of action for us to /have/ a motion on.
[10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq.: What is the motion, exactly, Lyra?
[10:47] Lyra Snowpaw: Sorry, I was ahead of myself
[10:47] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Let us get something on the table to discuss.
[10:47] Lyra Snowpaw: Perhpas we should chose an event first and then we can fit it to a proper venue. . .
[10:48] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Exactly -
[10:48] Sam Courtois. Esq.: go ahead
[10:48] Sam Courtois. Esq.: pick something.
[10:48] Lyra Snowpaw: I say panel discussion and Exhibit
[10:49] zenitram: I like the idea Agenda advanced about TOS for a panel discussion ... expand it beyond a CLE
[10:49] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Ok - the question is shall the SL Bar Association sponsor a panel discussion and exhibit for Law Day?
[10:49] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is there a second?
[10:50] Suemoon Magic: 2nd
[10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you SueMoon
[10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Is ther any discussion?
[10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq.: there*
[10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lyra?
[10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Robin?
[10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda?
[10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Anyone?
[10:51] Agenda Faromet: Sounds like we've just /had/ a discussion.
[10:51] Lyra Snowpaw: Sorry, I think the other question was venues
[10:52] zenitram: venues will take some time to explore and develop
[10:52] Agenda Faromet: And, um, not to be all own-horn-tooting, but...don't we /have/ a venue?
[10:52] Agenda Faromet: Kind of a nice one?
[10:52] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do you wish to amend your motion to identify a venue?
[10:52] Elizabeth: Don't we have an auditorium setting right outside?
[10:52] Tim Faith: i think it would be good to attempt it here
[10:52] Lyra Snowpaw: A stupendous venue Agenda : )
[10:52] Elizabeth: I think so too.
[10:52] Suemoon Magic: I nice display here would get visitors
[10:52] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We do. We can host it here in Justitia.
[10:52] DanielPerry Laa: Are we limited in the number of attendees ... re: lag?
[10:52] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet grins thankfully at Elizabeth, Tim, and Lyra.
[10:53] Tim Faith: if we can get these other organizations to help us drive in traffic here
[10:53] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lyra - do you regard that as a friendly amendment?
[10:53] Suemoon Magic: List it in the SL events page
[10:53] Tim Faith: so far no one has listed a Law Day event, so we would be the first
[10:53] Lyra Snowpaw: There are many educational venues in SL like RS mentioned --Caledon for one
[10:54] zenitram: just so we keep in mind, the idea of collaborating with other orgs is to reach a wider audience
[10:54] Soro Dagostino: CDS
[10:54] Lyra Snowpaw: The official Law Daw website will list it as well
[10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Hang on - let's keep to the motion.
[10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lyra - do you wish to make having the venu here in Justitia part of your motion?
[10:54] Lyra Snowpaw: yes yes sorry
[10:55] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - you ok with that SueMoon?
[10:55] Lyra Snowpaw: Justitia is an obvious venue option and the best
[10:55] Tim Faith: i second the amended motion
[10:55] Sam Courtois. Esq.: You seconded
[10:55] Suemoon Magic: yes
[10:55] Soro DagostinoSoro Dagostino raises hand
[10:55] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet totally loves you guys.
[10:55] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - the question then is shall we have an exhibit and a panel discussion conrerning Law Day here at Justitia?
[10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes Soro?
[10:56] Soro Dagostino: Speak to the amendment?
[10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes
[10:56] Baeric Constantine: How would one go about advertising such an event?
[10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: please
[10:56] Tim Faith: our web site
[10:56] Tim Faith: SL events page
[10:56] Tim Faith: Law Day page
[10:56] Tim Faith: signs on our lawn
[10:57] Tim Faith: (grins on the last entry)
[10:57] Suemoon Magic: other SL groups might send messages about it for us
[10:57] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Any other discussion of the amendment?
[10:57] Elizabeth: I think now that we have decided to do something perhaps it would be a good idea to allow RS and Lyra to discuss some of the details and then determine what to vote on next?
[10:57] Soro Dagostino: I don't disagree with the use of this venue, but I think we are preaching to the to this group.
[10:57] Elizabeth: And we can provide ideas to them on notecards?
[10:57] Elizabeth: or email, or whatever they prefer?
[10:57] Lyra Snowpaw: Ok as we are discussing venues
[10:57] Baeric Constantine: set up a suggestion box perhaps
[10:57] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Any other discussion on the main motion?
[10:58] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Are we ready for the question?
[10:58] Baeric Constantine: ...or use survey monkey to set up a number of choices, and publicise that too and see what SLers like too.
[10:59] Agenda Faromet: Advertising can also be done on SL blogs, plurk, New World Notes, and other SL community forums.
[10:59] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The question is shall we host a Law Day exhibit and panel at Justitia?
[10:59] Agenda Faromet: Wasn't that already moved and seconded?
[10:59] Agenda Faromet: If not, so moved.
[10:59] Lyra Snowpaw: yes, it was
[10:59] Tim Faith: 2nd
[10:59] Agenda Faromet: Groovy.
[10:59] Elizabeth: I thought so too.
[10:59] Baeric Constantine: aye, me thinks so too
[10:59] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Are we ready to vote?
[10:59] Suemoon Magic: we vote on the question
[10:59] Elizabeth: yes.
[10:59] zenitram: I agree with the basic question, but do not think we should limit ourselves to one venue
[10:59] Suemoon Magic: yes
[11:00] Sam Courtois. Esq.: All ion favor say aye
[11:00] Lyra Snowpaw: aye
[11:00] Tim Faith: aye
[11:00] Agenda Faromet: Aye.
[11:00] The Freak Magnet: aye
[11:00] Baeric Constantine: aye
[11:00] Suemoon Magic: aye
[11:00] Elizabeth: aye
[11:00] zenitram: aye
[11:00] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Those opposed, say nay
[11:00] Elizabeth: but I think RS has a valid point.
[11:00] Soro Dagostino: nay
[11:00] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The ayes have it.
[11:01] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We shall host a program here for Law Day
[11:01] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Anything else Lyra or Robin?
[11:01] Jonathan Kramer: sorry... aye
[11:01] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda - are you ready tot discuss your CLE proposal?
[11:01] zenitram: so do you want to put the kabosh on holding events on other sims?
[11:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Hold on
[11:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Not at all
[11:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Robin - did you wish to make another motion?
[11:02] Baeric Constantine: One needs to keep in mind funding....
[11:02] Agenda Faromet: Now, just so we're all aware: May 1 is a Tuesday. I'm down for holding my panel on a Tuesday. Since we're all agreed on this, I trust you guys are actually going to log in on a Tuesday, right?
[11:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We certainly can discuss every possibility.
[11:02] zenitram: just wanted to clarify that the prior motion wasn't limiting events to Justicia
[11:02] Baeric Constantine: it is one thing to vote, to carry a motion, quite another to fund it
[11:03] Lyra Snowpaw: I'll be here Agenda
[11:03] Tim Faith: i would move that the subcommittee on this program work on the details and provide a proposed budget to the group
[11:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The motion was just to move the ball down the field on that one porposal.
[11:03] Elizabeth: We have to look at the very real possibility that while that is when Law Day is, people may not be able to log onto SL to attend that day and move it to the weekend if necessary to garner the largest turnout possible?
[11:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We can have as many initiatives as people are willing to support.
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We are over our projected hour and still have agenda items.
[11:04] Elizabeth: Exactly!
[11:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: People are free to leafve as they choose, however, if the number of people drops below 10, we lose our quorum and cannot vote.
[11:05] Elizabeth: Sorry.. that was a response to an IM I accidently put into chat.
[11:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Robin - did you have another motion?
[11:06] zenitram: not at this time
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ok
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Can we move on to Agenda's CLE?
[11:06] Agenda Faromet: Sure. I actually have my notes this time!
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda - you are on.
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Go for ti.
[11:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: it*
[11:07] Agenda Faromet: Wall of text incoming.
[11:07] Agenda Faromet: Sam and I had discussed CLEs, and I volunteered to do a CLE on intellectual property licensing in the Second Life context after the Ninth Circuit's Vernor trio. This is a difficult area, because Second Life creators have clear needs regarding the permissions they can place on their goods, and because the Second Life code is limited in the technical controls it allows. However, the intentions of the Second Life creators -- copyright holders -- and the limitations of the code potentially create conflicts with the requirements of Vernor when it comes to determining ownership of goods purchased in Second Life. So…I was going to do a CLE about that.
[11:07] Agenda Faromet: And also, now, one about SL's TOS.
[11:07] Elizabeth: I think that sounds like a really interesting CLE!
[11:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Hold that second one for a bit, please.
[11:08] Agenda Faromet: ...Well, the ToS one would come first, of course, actually.
[11:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - do we have a motion on the CLE for intellectual property?
[11:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: one at a time
[11:08] Agenda Faromet: Oh, you meant discussion about the ToS one. Right.
[11:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: yes, please
[11:08] Jonathan Kramer: So moved (TOS).
[11:08] Lyra Snowpaw: so moved IP
[11:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Spell out exactly what you are proposing Jinathan, please
[11:09] Suemoon Magic: 2nd IP
[11:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Jonathan.
[11:09] Jonathan Kramer: Moved that we conduct a CLE event discussing the SL ToS terms.
[11:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - is thre a second?
[11:09] zenitram: 2nd
[11:09] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ok
[11:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Dsicussion?
[11:10] Baeric Constantine: only SL ToS? Why not allow for a greater variety?
[11:10] Lyra Snowpaw: I think Agenda only volunteered fro SL TOS. . .
[11:10] Jonathan Kramer: Because this is where we 'live' and this would be of most interest to SLers.
[11:10] Agenda Faromet: Wait. We're not discussing the ToS yet.
[11:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Would you care to porpose an amendment to the motion Baeric?
[11:11] Jonathan Kramer: <sorry>
[11:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The motion was to addres the TOS issue Agenda.
[11:11] Agenda Faromet: I haven't described what I plan to /talk/ about in the ToS CLE yet, how can we move on that?
[11:11] Elizabeth: I'm confused. I thought we were only discussing the IP CLE at the moment.
[11:11] Suemoon Magic: the IP has been moved & 2nded
[11:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: There was no motion on the CLE
[11:11] Agenda Faromet: I just wrote a big paragraph about the IP CLE. I haven't written /anything/ about the ToS CLE.
[11:12] ElizabethElizabeth nods.
[11:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Jonathan instead moved that we discuss the TOS
[11:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That motion was seconded by Robin.
[11:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: So that is what we are discussing.
[11:12] Agenda Faromet: One sec.
[11:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Bearoic wanted to expand the motion and I asked for an amendment if he wanted.
[11:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Bearic?
[11:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do you wish to propose an amendment?
[11:13] Baeric Constantine: When Daniel first mentioned ToS as a project, I mentioned about including the option to expand....
[11:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Indeed you did.
[11:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: There is a motion on the floor now.
[11:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Would you like to propose an amendment to that motion?
[11:14] Baeric Constantine: So, I think it would be good to include the availability but not necessarily the focus, and yes I move to amend
[11:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ok
[11:14] Agenda Faromet: At the end of the month, I'll be presenting at the ABA spring meeting about best practices for social media terms of service. The presentation is about terms of service writing in general. I can easily adapt that presentation to make it focus on the SL terms of service, but of course it would discuss larger issues in TOS in general. I can give that presentation at the panel on Law Day.
[11:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: is ther a second to the amendment?
[11:15] Agenda Faromet: There you go!
[11:15] Baeric Constantine: 2nd
[11:15] Baeric Constantine: lag
[11:16] Baeric Constantine: Typed that earlier :\
[11:16] Jonathan Kramer: Maker agrees to the amendment.
[11:16] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Baeric has moved to amend the motion to expand the proposed CLE on TOS to other areas.
[11:16] Jonathan Kramer: aye.
[11:16] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Robin - you seconded
[11:16] Sam Courtois. Esq.: do you consent?
[11:16] zenitram: yes
[11:16] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ok
[11:16] DanielPerry Laa: (lawyers...)
[11:17] Agenda Faromet: If it's a /panel/ discussion, isn't it expanded by definition?
[11:17] Suemoon Magic: I'm confused
[11:17] Suemoon Magic: other subject areas?
[11:17] Suemoon Magic: or other SL location areas?
[11:17] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The motion then is shall we have a CLE on the TOS and other related topics?
[11:17] Suemoon Magic: ah
[11:17] Sam Courtois. Esq.: is there discussion on the motion?
[11:17] Agenda Faromet: Wait. Is it a CLE or is it a panel discussion?
[11:17] DanielPerry Laa: [have to step away ... ]
[11:17] Agenda Faromet: Or is it both?
[11:17] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you for coming Daniel.
[11:18] Elizabeth: I thought it was just about TOS with regard to other things besides SL that were being asked about.
[11:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[11:18] Elizabeth: was*
[11:18] Baeric Constantine: I think that Agneda's CLE covered it all.
[11:18] DanielPerry Laa: Thanks to you, Sam!
[11:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: ok
[11:18] Baeric Constantine: "[11:14:57] Agenda Faromet: At the end of the month, I'll be presenting at the ABA spring meeting about best practices for social media terms of service. The presentation is about terms of service writing in general. I can easily adapt that presentation to make it focus on the SL terms of service, but of course it would discuss larger issues in TOS in general. I can give that presentation at the panel on Law Day."
[11:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: So perhaps Agenda, you can restate the motion for the group please?
[11:19] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet does the locomotion.
[11:19] ElizabethElizabeth laughs
[11:19] Tim Faith: /shakes head/
[11:19] Baeric Constantine: loco being the operative part?
[11:19] Agenda Faromet: Definitely.
[11:19] Baeric ConstantineBaeric Constantine grins
[11:20] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda?
[11:20] Agenda Faromet: I understand it, the motion was for a panel discussion at Law Day, which would include my discussion of Second Life's TOS and the law surrounding terms of service. Sam, slow down, you know I type copiously.
[11:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: :smiles
[11:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[11:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: is there further discussion on the motion?
[11:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Are we ready for the question?
[11:21] Tim Faith: i call the question
[11:22] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The question is sahll we have a paenl discussion in conjunction with our Law Day activities with regard to SL's TOS and the surrounding law.
[11:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Those in favor, please say aye
[11:23] Jonathan Kramer: aye
[11:23] Suemoon Magic: aye
[11:23] Tim Faith: aye
[11:23] Lyra Snowpaw: aye
[11:23] Baeric Constantine: aye
[11:23] zenitram: aye
[11:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Those opposed,please say nay
[11:23] Elizabeth: aye
[11:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: any more votes?
[11:24] Soro Dagostino: Aye
[11:24] Jonathan Kramer: Gen?
[11:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The motion carries.
[11:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you.
[11:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Moving on -
[11:25] Soro Dagostino: Sorry RL.
[11:25] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Can we have a brief report on the status of Justitia - Agenda?
[11:25] Agenda Faromet: Sure.
[11:25] Agenda Faromet: Justitia status: right now we have six offices rented of the fifteen available. I believe most people are moved in and comfortable. We have five offices sitting empty and four currently unbuilt, ready for expansion should we need it.
[11:25] Agenda Faromet: As I mentioned before, if you would like a custom window in your office with your name on it, please speak to me. I'd be glad to help you out.
[11:25] Agenda Faromet: As a result of a new way Linden Labs calculates the impact prims have on land, I have recently fine-tuned the sim to slightly reduce the prims I have used in building. If people would like extra prims in their offices (at an additional cost), please speak to Sam. Additionally, I would be glad to work with you to reduce the prims you're using, if you like.
[11:25] Agenda Faromet: I have been sprucing up Cafe Justitia more and more. It's looking pretty nice these days. I hope that soon, we can hold a social event or two there, and maybe invite some people from outside the SLBA community.
[11:26] Elizabeth: I think it's really nice. YOu deserve a round of applause for the fine work you have done here.
[11:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes!
[11:26] Agenda Faromet: Mostly...we just need warm pixels renting offices to cover the cost of the sim, so...come on, you know you wanna. All the cool kids are doing it.
[11:26] Tim Faith: 2nd
[11:26] Jonathan Kramer: <Claps>
[11:26] Lyra Snowpaw: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[11:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Tell us about furniture, Agenda, plase.
[11:26] The Freak Magnet: Is there a notecard with office rental info?
[11:26] Tim Faith: lol
[11:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: $L300 per week
[11:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: 100 prims
[11:27] Baeric Constantine: I will go look shortly
[11:27] Agenda Faromet: Oh! Right! We have a furniture store, so if you need office furniture, I'll pass you a landmark. I've got some office chairs and desks...soon I'll put some decor down there as well.
[11:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Ecellent
[11:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: excellent*
[11:27] Agenda Faromet: It's all /very/ low-prim.
[11:27] Jonathan Kramer: Cool.
[11:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you again Agenda.
[11:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Anything else for th egood of the order?
[11:28] zenitram: how many prims are allocated per office?
[11:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: new business
[11:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: 100 Robin.
[11:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The chair will entertain a motion to adjourn
[11:28] Tim Faith: so moved
[11:29] Jonathan Kramer: Seconded.
[11:29] Lyra Snowpaw: 2nd
[11:29] Agenda Faromet: Thirded.
[11:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Next meeting April 14 0- exec committee at 9 regular meeting at 10'
[11:29] Jonathan Kramer: :-)
[11:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: those opposed?
[11:29] Tim Faith: peace out brothers and sisters
[11:29] Elizabeth: Thank you.
[11:29] Baeric Constantine: peace
[11:29] Agenda Faromet: Sounds awesome to me.
[11:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you all very much
[11:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: have a wonderful month.
[11:30] Elizabeth: Be well everyone. And happy St. Patrick's Day!
[11:30] Elizabeth: (In a week)
[11:30] Suemoon Magic: Thanks Sam, bye
[11:30] The Freak Magnet: ciao

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