SL Bar Association

SL Bar Association

[10:05] DanielPerry Laa: OK let's get started ...
[10:06] DanielPerry Laa: Let's talk about website - since that is the way we will participate in nominations - BTW does it strike yu as strange we would use website? How do other groups handle nominations ?
[10:07] Tim Faith: as opposed to some in-world nomination process, you mean?
[10:07] DanielPerry Laa: Hi Suemoon - welcome!
[10:08] Agenda Faromet: I've never been in another group like SLBA...but most other groups in SL would use a coded in-world widget. Hi, Suemoon!
[10:08] Suemoon Magic: Hi, sorry I'm late
[10:08] Agenda Faromet: No worries, you're not /really/ late.
[10:08] DanielPerry Laa: Glad to have you - care to tell us a little about yourself?
[10:09] Suemoon Magic: I am a Law Librarian at a University Law School
[10:09] Suemoon Magic: I have a masters and a JD but I don't practice laww
[10:09] DanielPerry Laa: Excellent - law librarians are always welcome!
[10:10] DanielPerry Laa: In what area is your masters?
[10:10] Agenda Faromet: It's cool how many law librarians hang out on SL. One of my school's law librarians is an SL resident, too.
[10:10] Suemoon Magic: a Maters in Library & Info science
[10:10] Suemoon Magic: *Masters
[10:10] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss, Agenda - why not a quick intor for Suemoon?
[10:11] Suemoon Magic: We have quite a few with avatars but not as many hanging here as there used to be
[10:11] DanielPerry Laa: intro
[10:11] DanielPerry Laa: I
[10:12] Tim Faith: i'm an attorney in private practice in Md. I deal mostly commercial and corporate issues.te
[10:12] Tim Faith: *with*
[10:12] DanielPerry Laa: I am an Orlando based lawyer - focused on Internet Law and am Pres. of the Second Life bar Assoc.
[10:12] Agenda Faromet: Hi. I'm...well...I /was/ a law student, and now I'm not. I'm studying for the bar.
[10:13] Suemoon Magic: nice to meet you all
[10:13] DanielPerry Laa: Nice to meet you - what interest you about SL in general?
[10:13] DanielPerry Laa: interests
[10:14] Suemoon Magic: I hang out mostly at the Community Virtual Library
[10:14] Suemoon Magic: I do a reference shift there
[10:14] Suemoon Magic: that's how I started in SL
[10:14] Suemoon Magic: I also have found my particular flavor of a religious group too
[10:14] DanielPerry Laa: Community Virtual Library? can you give us a SLURL?
[10:15] Suemoon Magic: OK
[10:16] Suemoon Magic: CVL Reference Area, Info Island (117, 112, 33)
[10:16] Suemoon Magic: that's the landmark
[10:16] Suemoon Magic: its on Info Island
[10:16] DanielPerry Laa: Who runs CVL?
[10:16] Suemoon Magic: It is a community run by Librarians all over the world
[10:17] Suemoon Magic: It started with a grant and when the grant died
[10:17] Suemoon Magic: the members took it over
[10:17] DanielPerry Laa: Is it (CVL) set up as a RL corp?
[10:17] Suemoon Magic: yes, it has non profit status
[10:17] Suemoon Magic: so we do fund raisers which work well
[10:18] DanielPerry Laa: What kind of fund raisers (we are ALWAYS interested in $)
[10:18] Suemoon Magic: When the prices went up for non profits we had all kinds of fund raisers
[10:18] Suemoon Magic: we did "fleas market" sales
[10:19] Suemoon Magic: we did talent shows
[10:19] DanielPerry Laa: sell virtual "books"?
[10:19] Suemoon Magic: we did fashion shows (I guess we have mostly women)
[10:19] Suemoon Magic: we do that too, lol
[10:19] DanielPerry Laa: talent shows ... lawyers have talent ... dunno
[10:19] Suemoon Magic: we voted on members who were the "most" in many categories
[10:20] Suemoon Magic: mostly we just gave ourselves excuses to give to CVL
[10:20] Suemoon Magic: Cat Galileo used to be active there and here
[10:21] Suemoon Magic: but I haven't seen her lately
[10:21] Suemoon Magic: a law librarian in California
[10:22] DanielPerry Laa: We had been discussing upcoming CLE or better still, outreach to SL designers and builders. Library science might be an area we could address if we u derstood legal issues germane to SL that concern you.
[10:22] Suemoon Magic: copyright issues, intellectual property
[10:22] Suemoon Magic: those affect all here
[10:23] DanielPerry Laa: Copyright IP could you narrow those down for us?
[10:23] DanielPerry Laa: what is a specific problem you have been confronted with?
[10:23] Suemoon Magic: We have many students who are in online college classes
[10:24] Suemoon Magic: so we have to be aware of rules about shared content
[10:24] Suemoon Magic: copies of documents, things like that
[10:24] DanielPerry Laa: UGC, fair use, theft, etc.
[10:24] Suemoon Magic: yes
[10:25] DanielPerry Laa: So where students (or librarians) go to NOW for answers to those questions?
[10:25] Suemoon Magic: With more online programs happening these days
[10:26] Suemoon Magic: professors have to be careful
[10:26] Suemoon Magic: about texts and copies
[10:26] Jonathan Kramer: Greetings, friends... Tried to get here early but took 40 min to get SL to update.
[10:26] Suemoon Magic: the rules aren't the same as copying in the physical library
[10:26] Suemoon Magic: movies and music
[10:26] DanielPerry Laa: Hi Jonathan/Tellagu - welcome
[10:27] Agenda Faromet: Hi, Jonathan. Come on in. It's really just a casual hang-out day, so just kick back and chat.
[10:27] DanielPerry Laa: Tellagu - had same problem - you are not late - glad you are here
[10:27] DanielPerry Laa: Tellagu - Have you met Suemoon?
[10:27] Suemoon Magic: I was already here, but earlier it was slow
[10:27] Jonathan Kramer: Nope. Hello, Suemoon!
[10:27] Suemoon Magic: Hi how are you?
[10:27] Jonathan Kramer: Almost awake.
[10:28] Suemoon Magic: lol
[10:28] DanielPerry Laa: Tellagu is a telecommunications lawyer in LA; Suemoon is a law librarian at an university
[10:29] Jonathan Kramer: There you go giving away all of my secrets
[10:29] Suemoon Magic: I was just about to ask
[10:29] DanielPerry Laa: Suemoon was just tlling us of IP concerns of library scientists and professors re UGC, copyright and theft
[10:29] DanielPerry Laa: telling
[10:30] Jonathan Kramer: (Sorry, did mean to kill the conversation by coming in...)
[10:30] Suemoon Magic: lol
[10:30] Jonathan Kramer: "didn't"
[10:31] DanielPerry Laa: We were considering directions for outreach - to SL desigenrs and builders (with Agenda and Yoss's help) and were interested in Suemoon's issues for library scientist/profs
[10:31] Suemoon Magic: We have a big educator community here
[10:32] Suemoon Magic: if all of them haven't run away yet with the higher prices
[10:32] DanielPerry Laa: Those two groups: 1) designers/builders and 2) educators - seem to be two largests groupds, no?
[10:32] DanielPerry Laa: need more lawyers, LOL
[10:32] Suemoon Magic: maybe
[10:33] Suemoon Magic: does anyone do business here?
[10:33] DanielPerry Laa: is anyone aware of an occupational breakdown in SL, BTW
[10:33] Suemoon Magic: virtual law office rules seem pretyy convoluted
[10:33] DanielPerry Laa: By business, you mean have a storefront?
[10:33] Suemoon Magic: yes
[10:34] Suemoon Magic: or meet clients here?
[10:34] DanielPerry Laa: I don't have an office yet though are some lawyers who do so. I have earned money from contacts in SL?
[10:34] Jonathan Kramer: I've had exactly one real client here on SL, and that was a dispute that was resolved by a single letter (of course it helped that I'm verified by SLBA).
[10:34] DanielPerry Laa: have earned money - no question mark was intended
[10:35] Suemoon Magic: there are juridictional issues I imagine
[10:35] Jonathan Kramer: negative. Was offered payment but declined out of good will.
[10:35] Jonathan Kramer: payment = trade, btw.
[10:36] DanielPerry Laa: The jurisdictional issues are not really a problem since I don't "practice" in SL. Any networking is NOT soliciting - that discussion is handled offline.
[10:36] DanielPerry Laa: But that raises an interesting point - are Bars gearing up to consider UPL in virtual worlds?
[10:36] Suemoon Magic: so avatars would have to tell you real life names & contact info?
[10:37] Suemoon Magic: I've read articles about virtual world office issues
[10:37] DanielPerry Laa: I have never had any problem having avatars eventually give me RL info
[10:37] Jonathan Kramer: I took the position that we're all in California for UPL issues given Linden's location, thus ours.
[10:37] Suemoon Magic: I guess if they want or need help bad enough
[10:38] DanielPerry Laa: Tellagu - agreed - Calif is first place to look (thanks to TOS for LL)
[10:38] Suemoon Magic: if it's a Second Life issue
[10:38] Suemoon Magic: but a real life issue?
[10:38] DanielPerry Laa: Agenda - maybe see a SL issue on your upcoming Bar Exam LOL
[10:39] Suemoon Magic: that would be cool
[10:39] DanielPerry Laa: Hi Julynn - welcome
[10:39] Suemoon Magic: Hi Julynn
[10:39] Jonathan Kramer: Realistically, SL issues ARE RL issues for those involved.
[10:39] Julynn Lilliehook: Hi all!
[10:39] Jonathan Kramer: Hi Julynn
[10:40] Agenda Faromet: Morning, Julynn.
[10:40] DanielPerry Laa: Julynn: Let me bring you up to speed - the SLBA is working on outreach ... thus far considering two groups
[10:41] DanielPerry Laa: 1) designers, builders 2) educators - are finding they may have an overlap of copyright IP issues
[10:41] Julynn Lilliehook: all right
[10:42] DanielPerry Laa: Julynn, care to tell us a bit about yourself and your interest in SL legal issues?
[10:42] Julynn Lilliehook: well what would you like to know?
[10:44] DanielPerry Laa: Whatever you'd like to share ... for example, I am an Orlando lawyer with an interwts in Internet Law; Suemoon is a law librarian with a university; Tellagu is a telecommunications lawyer; Agenda is a law student and taking Calif Bar shortly.
[10:44] Julynn Lilliehook: ok...I am a solo practitioner in Wisconsin, mostly criminal law
[10:44] DanielPerry Laa: Tim/Yoss is a Md technology lawyer
[10:44] DanielPerry Laa: Did I miss anyone?
[10:45] Julynn Lilliehook: I am interested in whatever law thre is in SL
[10:45] DanielPerry Laa: Julynn - state or federal or both?
[10:45] Julynn Lilliehook: state
[10:46] DanielPerry Laa: I have handled an extensive number of criminal cases myself though I do not activley market for them now - if they come they come by referral only.
[10:47] DanielPerry Laa: I am unaware of any organized group of criminal defense lawyers in SL .. yet
[10:47] Julynn Lilliehook: hmmm..that would be an interesting idea
[10:47] Suemoon Magic: jurisdiction issues would be more of a problem with criminal law
[10:47] DanielPerry Laa: hmmm... criminal island?
[10:48] Jonathan Kramer: Interestingly, as a telecom attorney I deal with criminal matters when the prosecution wants to bring in cell phone records (very unreliable when you get down to the raw records, themselves). I've been successful excluding cell record data as unreliable.
[10:48] Suemoon Magic: I have a friend who gets students out of jail with one phone call
[10:48] Suemoon Magic: lol
[10:48] Suemoon Magic: during Mardi Gras he makes alot of phone calls
[10:49] DanielPerry Laa: AS we have seen in Casey Anthony case, cell phone reords can be very damaging - agree Tellau that there is prlwenty of room to exclude
[10:49] DanielPerry Laa: plenty
[10:49] DanielPerry Laa: Tellagu!
[10:50] DanielPerry Laa: What areas of outreach have we NOT addressed?
[10:51] Suemoon Magic: You were talking about CLEs?
[10:51] Suemoon Magic: Cat did a few with California credit
[10:51] Suemoon Magic: most IP issues
[10:53] DanielPerry Laa: Well, here is the thing about CLE. 1) it is usually a powerpoint - why come to us for a powerpoint when we are all drowning in CLE. Seems like to crying need is for us to go OUT to SL groups instead of worrying about lawyers coming HERE for CLE. Of course, we still want to attract lawyers and we can do so by having sessions like this - maybe more outreach will cause more lawyers to be interested. But yu tell me, do you agree?
[10:53] Kimbrolaw Ansar: Thank you. Sorry to be late.
[10:53] Agenda Faromet: Hi, Kimbrolaw.
[10:53] DanielPerry Laa: Hi KimbroLaw
[10:53] DanielPerry Laa: Never late - welcome.
[10:54] Jonathan Kramer: Hello, KimbroLaw.
[10:55] Suemoon Magic: What other ways do we have here for giving information?
[10:55] Suemoon Magic: Lecturing in voice? notecards?
[10:55] DanielPerry Laa: KimbroLaw - we were discussing outreach to two groups: 1) designers/builders in SL; 2) educators - seesm to be overlap in copyright and IP issues. We were also talking about CLE and frankly, I was more concerend with outreach - thguth that would be way to buid interst in SL Bar
[10:56] DanielPerry Laa: Suemoon, we would do lectures in voice
[10:56] DanielPerry Laa: Though might consider a dedicated website and use notecards
[10:57] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss - maybe help with a widget!!
[10:57] Kimbrolaw Ansar: I talk about SL in my virtual law practice presentations. I could help with outreach a little.
[10:57] DanielPerry Laa: KimbroLaw - just got yiur Virtual law Practice book - sitting on my desk!
[10:57] Suemoon Magic: cool
[10:57] Tim Faith: we can post all those CLE powerpoint presentations to the web site after the CLE
[10:58] Suemoon Magic: You can post slides in SL too
[10:58] DanielPerry Laa:
[10:58] Suemoon Magic: have a viewer board set up
[10:58] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss/Suemoon - good point
[10:59] Tim Faith: and if we are really smart, we could record the in-world presentation and provide it online
[11:00] Tim Faith: but i might need the loan of greater avatars than myself for that
[11:01] DanielPerry Laa: OK, I am goign to stick around but we are at the end of the meeting. Let me reimind you of the next meeting August 13 - we will be having elections; the website will be ready for nominations mid-week this next week. Dues will due in August. In the meantime, we will fine-tune outreach issues and forward them onto all of yu for4 your considderation. I would like us to all commit to a serious outreach effort in the coming weeks.
[11:02] DanielPerry Laa: I do not mean that we will actullay do all this int h coming weeks but we should be able to plan for this to happen expeditiously
[11:02] Agenda Faromet: I agree re: outreach. I'll work on that as soon as I'm done with bar study. In the meantime...I'm off to outline Wills & Trusts!
[11:02] DanielPerry Laa: Do I ahve a motion to adjourn?
[11:02] Jonathan Kramer: So moved.
[11:02] Suemoon Magic: 2nd

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Replies to This Discussion

I can help provide some resources for contining education in some areas.  Might be able to work it out with live instruction inworld. However, with my virtual university, my main priority is the financing issues. I accept lindens as payment for individuals to take courses.  Eventally, I use the lindens to exchange it for real dollars on the sl exchange. Works well for me. :)
UPDATE: Linden Labs to donate .75 (real money) for every new account to Mariah's Virtual University to help cover educational costs.  IM me inworld or leave a notecard or stop by the Mariah's Virtual University for more information.



Can you give us some more info about your university? How can we assist you (other than donations which I am sure we can make happen)?


DanielPerry Laa


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