[10:02] DanielPerry Laa: Okay - let's start - I have a very basic idea for discusison today
[10:03] DanielPerry Laa: Pardon the typing
[10:03] DanielPerry Laa: WE met breifly earlier - I wnated to propose that we "get out" more
[10:03] DanielPerry Laa: I have visited many places in SL - usually they are ghost towns
[10:04] DanielPerry Laa: Been to some dance parties and have been amazed at the clothing, skins, architecture
[10:04] DanielPerry Laa: I undertand what scripting is - even thoguh I ahve ot bult anyhting
[10:04] DanielPerry Laa: not built
[10:05] DanielPerry Laa: I must say that I dislike powerpoint in RL and don't see the point to powerpoint in SL
[10:05] DanielPerry Laa: When SL is a heaven for scripters seems to me that we should consider investigating how SL and scripting could enhance our CLE
[10:06] Sam4 Courtois: What is the connection?
[10:06] DanielPerry Laa: Gor example, there SL site wheich teaches about the Civil Rights movement
[10:06] Lexis Looming: Good morning again.. Hi Yoss
[10:06] Yoss Kamachi: hi lex
[10:06] DanielPerry Laa: As for the conection, whiel I may not agree that a "game" environment may be the best way to teach a topic
[10:06] Sam4 Courtois: WB Lexis
[10:07] Lexis Looming: ty
[10:07] DanielPerry Laa: Hi Lexis
[10:07] DanielPerry Laa: It is worht considering whehter SL offers us tremendous teaaching opportunities for difficult concepts
[10:07] Sam4 Courtois: Um.
[10:08] Sam4 Courtois: I am still a little foggy about how you get from scripting to teaching?
[10:08] DanielPerry Laa: I amsimply suggetsing that we consider on eof our next CLE's to examine how such an environment might enahcne oir abilityto communicate difficult legal concepts
[10:09] Sam4 Courtois: That sounds good, I guess
[10:09] Lexis Looming: Perhaps you should explore this withMichelle who is doing that very thing for the Univ. of Fla
[10:09] Sam4 Courtois: Exactly.
[10:09] DanielPerry Laa: For example, whiel scripting knowledge itself is valuable, I am more interested in figuring out how to use a scripted environment to help me communicate a legal concept.
[10:09] Sam4 Courtois: She is a great resource
[10:09] Yoss Kamachi: They have a class in SL, don't they?
[10:09] Lexis Looming: We gave our symposium in her classroom
[10:09] DanielPerry Laa: I ahve spoekn with Michelle
[10:10] Lexis Looming: She teaches criminal law in SL
[10:10] DanielPerry Laa: There are very simple presentaison in SL which are attemptting to mirro RL
[10:10] DanielPerry Laa: I attended one "trial" in a mock courthouse in SL at the Rockliffe Univ
[10:10] Yoss Kamachi: online SL CLE might be interesting
[10:11] Yoss Kamachi: not sure how we would more integrate the two
[10:11] DanielPerry Laa: I alsao visited a crime scene reenactment
[10:11] DanielPerry Laa: Role playing woud possiby be involved.
[10:11] Sam4 Courtois: That makes sense.
[10:11] DanielPerry Laa: I would likeyou all to brainstorm this with me and see if we could pull it off.
[10:12] Yoss Kamachi: what's upcoming on our CLE schedule?
[10:12] DanielPerry Laa: Perjahaps we could take a legal concept and figure out how we could best teach it in SL
[10:12] Sam4 Courtois: I am going to need to excuse myself.
[10:12] Lexis Looming: rule against perpetuities for instance?
[10:13] Yoss Kamachi: bye sam
[10:13] DanielPerry Laa: Our CLE agenda is blanlk thoguh Agenda Faromet wanted ot amke a presentation soon
[10:13] Lexis Looming: see u Sam
[10:13] Yoss Kamachi: do you know what Agenda was going to present on?
[10:13] Sam4 Courtois: But I am very supportive of your concept, Daniel.
[10:13] Lexis Looming: take care
[10:13] DanielPerry Laa: Rule against perp 0 Ugh!
[10:13] Yoss Kamachi: (;
[10:13] Lexis Looming: well you said idfficult concept
[10:13] DanielPerry Laa: Unsure what Agenda wanted to present
[10:14] DanielPerry Laa: What if we did a legal concept in SL that every Avatar si interested in?
[10:15] DanielPerry Laa: Recenty, there was some publicty re Avatars United - how about this: Can Avatars or avatar creators have a union?
[10:15] DanielPerry Laa: Do Avatars have the right to sue? Standing?
[10:15] DanielPerry Laa: How do you serve an avatar?
[10:15] DanielPerry Laa: What remedies for avatar theft?
[10:16] Yoss Kamachi: Agenda was going to present on helping SLBA members integrate into Second Life activities and introducing them to features of Second Life
[10:16] DanielPerry Laa: Can an avatar be copyrighted or trademarked?
[10:16] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss, now I recall
[10:16] DanielPerry Laa: As for trademakr - there is a regisdtration for one avatar
[10:17] Yoss Kamachi: The last SLBA CLE did touch on the trademark/avatar issue
[10:17] Yoss Kamachi: For Agenda, I wonder if we could take a "walking tour" of SL
[10:17] DanielPerry Laa: Let's expand on that - now, if you were going teach that to non-lawyers, how would you best utilize SL to do so?
[10:17] Yoss Kamachi: as part of her presentation
[10:18] DanielPerry Laa: A walking tour woud be interesting - and we could invite folks to join us
[10:18] Lexis Looming: I agree
[10:18] Yoss Kamachi: She could have some preset landmarks to bring people to particular places in SL that would be interesting and relevant
[10:19] DanielPerry Laa: Be vene more interetsing if we could arrange sponsors or perosns to meet us at placs anfd give us a sgort presentation of how they would use SL
[10:19] DanielPerry Laa: short not sgort
[10:19] DanielPerry Laa: God, my typing sux
[10:19] Yoss Kamachi: There are a number of RL business owners that operate SL stores - that might be interesting to focus on for a CLE
[10:19] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss, great can you expand on that?
[10:19] Yoss Kamachi: One had contacted me from Tx last year about an infringement issue
[10:20] Yoss Kamachi: I'm thinking about how SL businesses operate here and what their issues might be
[10:20] Yoss Kamachi: for example
[10:21] DanielPerry Laa: I know that there are various well-known avatars that are hungry for someon in SL to champion Avatar rights and remedies for theft - might be a HUGE PR opportunity to start the seriosu discussion
[10:22] Yoss Kamachi: Michelle had mentioned that the RL has not embraced criminalizing SL theft generally
[10:22] Yoss Kamachi: I've seen a few articles about the issue, not sure if MD would prosecute theft here
[10:22] Yoss Kamachi: it is an interesting issue
[10:22] DanielPerry Laa: Like to hear more form her about that - MD?
[10:22] SLBAAdministrator Clarity: Greetings all... (It's me Lex) I just retrieved this note from our mailbag
[10:22] DanielPerry Laa: MD?
[10:22] Yoss Kamachi: Maryland
[10:23] SLBAAdministrator Clarity: A resident who claims to be a victim of theft
[10:23] DanielPerry Laa: I know that Japan and China HAVE prosecuted persons for theft in a game world
[10:24] Yoss Kamachi: Lex: interesting
[10:24] DanielPerry Laa: Do we have an active blog site?
[10:24] DanielPerry Laa: I knwo we have password protected forum
[10:24] Yoss Kamachi: the Ning site has a blog
[10:24] SLBAAdministrator Clarity: Ok I am off to work on the ledgers . so long
[10:25] DanielPerry Laa: Bye Clarity
[10:25] DanielPerry Laa: Who is Clarity?
[10:25] Lexis Looming: SLBAAdministrator Clarity is the avatar that owns the group and holds the fund
[10:25] DanielPerry Laa: Oh, Lord.
[10:26] Lexis Looming: We have written permission from LL to share the password
[10:26] DanielPerry Laa: share WHAT password?
[10:26] Yoss Kamachi:
http://slbarassn.ning.com/profiles/blog/list[10:26] Lexis Looming: to operate the the avatar
[10:26] Lexis Looming: in case I die in a car wreck
[10:27] DanielPerry Laa: YOUR avatar?
[10:27] Lexis Looming: SLBAAdministrator Clarity
[10:27] DanielPerry Laa: Did you all get Clarity's notecard?
[10:27] Lexis Looming: I created it but it is not "mine"
[10:28] Yoss Kamachi: i did
[10:28] Lexis Looming: I did too
[10:29] DanielPerry Laa: Well, she proposes some "action" in SL re LL policies.
[10:30] DanielPerry Laa: One moment - am goign to check and see if anyine is in the other room
[10:31] Lexis Looming: good luck.. I believe that LL has built SL on a profit motive model not an moral example model. they don't want to be involved in inter-avatar disputes
[10:31] DanielPerry Laa: okay - so perhaos we can use Agenda's presentation and "blend" in some walk-abouts related to these topics, egenrally
[10:31] DanielPerry Laa: is htere any avatar dispute mediation effort in SL?
[10:32] Lexis Looming: i believe the Portgugese government started one several years back
[10:32] Yoss Kamachi: I recall there being a mediation group in SL
[10:32] Lexis Looming: I can't recall the name now
[10:32] DanielPerry Laa: Lexis - can you research that for us?
[10:33] Lexis Looming: that would be an interesting site for a field trip perhaps.
[10:33] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss - the emdiation group - set up by a bar association?
[10:33] Yoss Kamachi: I don't recall it being a bar association, but it is possible
[10:33] Yoss Kamachi: i was searching in SL
[10:33] DanielPerry Laa: Yoss, can you research for us as well>