SL Bar Association

SL Bar Association

[09:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I'll stand behind the lectern and no one will be able to see what I am wearing.
[09:56] Tim Faith: good sam
[09:57] Starlight Darkmatter: oh my
[09:58] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Apologies in advance for the apparent attire.
[09:58] Sam Courtois. Esq.: It appears to me that I am wearing a black t-shirt and light khakis
[09:59] Julynn Lilliehook: I see a skirt
[09:59] Julynn Lilliehook: hehe
[09:59] Starlight Darkmatter: I see a red shir and a skirt
[09:59] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I understand that it appears to everyone else that I am still dressed for Halloween.
[09:59] Julynn Lilliehook: yes
[10:00] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I have not quite figured out what to do about it, but my attitude, for what that is worth, is that I hope you will forgive me, but I really am not confused.
[10:00] Agenda Faromet: I think it's awesome.
[10:01] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Thank you, thank you.
[10:01] Lyra Snowpaw: the beard really adds something to the outfit
[10:01] Tim Faith: i concur
[10:01] Agenda Faromet: As Tyra Banks would say, fieeeeeeeerce.
[10:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.: anyhow - first thanks also the Agenda for the winter decorations around the village.
[10:02] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Second it sounds like we will have a program for January by Tim and Agenda.
[10:02] Lyra Snowpaw: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[10:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do we have an exact title yet?
[10:03] Agenda Faromet: Not yet!
[10:03] Tim Faith: "fair use in an unfair world"
[10:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK and we don't have an exact date, I guess, but we probably can have some posters pretty soon?
[10:04] Agenda Faromet: We'll have posters.
[10:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Hopefully, we will have it all fleshed out by the party.
[10:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Perhaps we can get it on the Events calendar?
[10:05] Sam Courtois. Esq. whispers: As for the Christmas Party, I would like to have it here during the week between
[10:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Christmas and New Years.
[10:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: any thoughts on the day or time?
[10:06] Lyra Snowpaw: is there a Sunday afternoon that would work?
[10:06] Agenda Faromet: I think if it's close to Christmas, people may still be visiting family. I know I will be.
[10:06] Lyra Snowpaw: so people won't have som eny RL conflicts?
[10:06] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The 30th is the Sunday.
[10:07] Agenda Faromet: I could probably do the 30th.
[10:07] Tim Faith: the 30th probably would work for me too
[10:07] Lyra Snowpaw: I can be here the 30th
[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Anyone else?
[10:07] Julynn Lilliehook: me too
[10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lincoln?
[10:07] Tim Faith: oh wait, we have an all day baby training that day
[10:07] Starlight Darkmatter: I will probably be in Florida for the holidays, not sure about internet availability
[10:07] Tim Faith: i forgot, but if it works for everyone else, feel free
[10:08] Lincoln Beck: 30th should works for me too
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: "Baby training"
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: What are you training the baby to do?
[10:08] Tim Faith: yes, in RL my wife and I are expecting our first child in March
[10:08] Lyra Snowpaw: .-'`'-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-'`'-.
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lamazing!
[10:08] Lyra Snowpaw: congratulations Tim!
[10:08] Lincoln Beck: congrats
[10:08] Lyra Snowpaw: Mazl Tov!
[10:08] Tim Faith: and because kids don't have manuals, they have a class
[10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yaay!
[10:08] Tim Faith: thanks all
[10:09] Agenda Faromet: Oh my gosh, Tim, that's fantastic! Congratulations!
[10:09] Starlight Darkmatter: :)
[10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Well, Anyone else have an issue with the 30th?
[10:10] Agenda Faromet: Hi, Soro.
[10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: What time would people like to set it for?
[10:10] Lyra Snowpaw: Hi Soro
[10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Welcome Soro!
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Afternoon? Evening?
[10:11] Tim Faith: i may be able to make it in the evening
[10:11] Agenda Faromet: If it's on a Sunday, it needs to be morning/afternoon SLT. Otherwise, we can't get East Coasters and Europeans.
[10:11] Lyra Snowpaw: evening is ok
[10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq.: 4 - 7 SLT?
[10:12] Soro Dagostino: Hi All, an unfortunate intereference in RL.
[10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That's 7 - 10 Eastern.
[10:12] Tim Faith: 4-7 slt probably would work here
[10:12] Soro Dagostino: That's ok.
[10:12] Agenda Faromet: Okay, it just excludes people like Baeric.
[10:12] Soro Dagostino: SLT time
[10:12] Soro Dagostino: brb
[10:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: can we go with that then?
[10:13] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I don't know what we can do to accommodate Baeric.
[10:13] Lyra Snowpaw: fine for me
[10:13] Tim Faith: i move
[10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK - and as I recall Lyra was going to facilitate the decorations?
[10:14] Lyra Snowpaw: eeeps! ok
[10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That work for you Lyra?
[10:14] Lyra Snowpaw: I can do that just let me know how many prims I get
[10:14] Free Radar HUDFree Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Agenda's deaprtment.
[10:15] Lyra Snowpaw: kk
[10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[10:18] Tim Faith: i'll pick up the egg nog
[10:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Lyra - you get in touch with Agenda and she can give you the details about what you need to know.
[10:18] Agenda Faromet: Yep! We'll work together on it, it'll look fantastic.
[10:18] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Music?
[10:18] Agenda Faromet: ....That reminds me.
[10:19] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That didn't work out all that well for Halloween.
[10:19] Agenda Faromet: /Now/ we have music. We were supposed to have Christmas music, and I set it up, and I messed up the URLs, and then forgot. Fixed them.
[10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The DJ we were looking for didn't materialize
[10:20] Tim Faith: the magic of SL
[10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I brought up my dance balls last time.
[10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: shall we have a dance floor somewhere?
[10:21] Lyra Snowpaw: the laza area would be good
[10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I shall try to find a prettier dress to wear.
[10:21] Lyra Snowpaw: *plaza
[10:22] Tim Faith: that would be good. only in SL can I dance without both right feet
[10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Maybe something with snowflakes.
[10:22] Agenda Faromet: Now, Sam, if you want to know all the details of what it's going to look like, how are you going to be surprised when you see the final result?
[10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Ok ok - I will leave iti in your capable hands.
[10:22] Agenda FarometAgenda Faromet laughs.
[10:23] Soro Dagostino: Back -- excuse me.
[10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Far be it from me to interfere with artistry.
[10:23] Agenda Faromet: /True/ masterpiece work incoming.
[10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK
[10:23] Tim Faith: excellent
[10:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I have no handle on the finances of the organization at the moment.
[10:24] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Eliozabeth ahs been both out of pocket and over her head with that chore.
[10:25] Sam Courtois. Esq.: we need someone who is willing to do so to assume the responsibility for the money.
[10:25] Agenda Faromet: I'm pretty sure she had no concept of what was being asked of her.
[10:26] Soro Dagostino: What's involved?
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We are going to have membership coming up and I assume a whole lot of other things.
[10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq.: collecting dues once a year and paying bills once a month.
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I have been underwriting the Sim for a while now.
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I was hopong tahtit owuld be self-sustaining at some point, but we aren'
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: t making much progress in that direction.
[10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq.: aren't*
[10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I plead with you to help get the storefront offices filled.
[10:28] Agenda Faromet: Sam, are the office owners up here in the village paying rent regularly?
[10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: That will make a big difference.
[10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Yes, the tenants we have are wonderful.
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We jsut need about half a dozen more.
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: What I am worried about is spending down the Associaiton's legacy
[10:29] Agenda Faromet: Sorry, I crashed. Missed anything after I asked about office owners paying rent.
[10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The association pays rent for this building.
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Unless the amount we get for dues esceeds the rent, we are operating at a loss.
[10:31] Lyra Snowpaw: Well my presentation will certainly be open to the SL public and I can forecefully encourage donations at that
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Not to mention anything we might want to buy.
[10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Unlike the incumbent administration - we cannot do that forever.
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I don't think LL will accept currency bearing my image.
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: So let's get some more people involved. please.
[10:32] Tim Faith: i wonder if the charitable portion of the ABA would be willing to give us a grant to sustain the organization.
[10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Please inquire.
[10:32] Lyra Snowpaw: or perhaps take an office?
[10:33] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Absolutely -
[10:33] Sam Courtois. Esq.: The presence of any legal organization that wants to participate is welcome.
[10:35] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Otherwise, I am going to have to look outside the legal theme for tenants, if not in the Village, down below.
[10:36] Soro Dagostino: One of our former presidents was really into ABA. Perhaps he can help?
[10:36] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Danial doesn't participate much.
[10:36] Sam Courtois. Esq.: if that is who you mean.
[10:37] Tim Faith: I then Ben was also involved in ABA. I'll email him to see what he thinks
[10:37] Soro Dagostino: So? He can help with some introduction.
[10:37] Agenda Faromet: As I've mentioned before, we need to be /very/ careful about bringing in stores here. First off, we're a non-profit, and we should be careful about the legal rules around that. And second off, many, many stores in SL infringe intellectual property. It would look very bad for us if we had a store in the Virtual Legal Resource Village that was selling stolen, ripped, or botted goods.
[10:37] Agenda Faromet: Also, you may be thinking of Legal Writer, who was the former president of the ABA's SciTech division.
[10:38] Soro Dagostino: Yes. That's the fellow.
[10:39] Tim Faith: right - steve Wu
[10:39] Lyra Snowpaw: Hi Elizabeth
[10:39] Agenda Faromet: Hi, Elizabeth! Welcome.
[10:40] Elizabeth: Hello everyone. Sorry I'm late.
[10:40] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Well, - to this very point, I just received an email from Lyzette Ninetails who rents two lots down below - I quote: Hi Sam, thanks for the time on the land and sorry to go. I emptied the land, so feel free to rent it out again.
[10:40] Agenda Faromet: Ouch. Two lots.
[10:40] Sam Courtois. Esq.: So now I have two more prime lots on my hands.
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Ladies and gentlemen - I do not mean to whine, but ...
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Meryy Christmas!
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Hello Elizabeth.
[10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Awesome that you could make it at all-
[10:42] Sam Courtois. Esq.: How is the recovery going?
[10:42] Lyra Snowpaw: Well I am wiling to pay higher dues and more rent
[10:42] Lyra Snowpaw: but that won't help much
[10:42] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Want a nice corner lot a sea level?
[10:42] Lyra Snowpaw: I am thinking we need to have more things for the public that we can get donations at
[10:42] Elizabeth: Sorry for being late. I couldn't log on until after I completed an online exam. My apologies.
[10:43] Lyra Snowpaw: stuff that your average Jane and Joe on Sl are interested in
[10:43] Lyra Snowpaw: we are going to have to "sell" something
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I am open to any reasonable suggestion.
[10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq.: My second term starts in January, I think.
[10:44] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I will commit to keeping the ball in the air during my term.
[10:44] Lyra Snowpaw: Well maybe another spin on the IP things is what people can do to make sure that they are not violating the rules
[10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq.: If there is not a redirection within the next twelve months, I shall turn to other things.
[10:45] Lyra Snowpaw: I think most people running around SL are simple people, you know, I don't think they want to do anything wrong but they need it spelled out
[10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Soro - would you be willing to help Elizabeth with the finances?
[10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I know Elizabeth would welcome that.
[10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We have corproate obligations that we need to attend to as well.
[10:47] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I have not idea what they are or what the status is.
[10:47] Sam Courtois. Esq.: no idea
[10:47] Elizabeth: Nor do I.
[10:48] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I am guessing that California whats a report or two filed and probably wants money.
[10:48] Soro Dagostino: Sorry -- have a loud RL disturbance.
[10:49] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Anyhow, people, we need more members and more participation because we have dropped below the critical mass.
[10:49] Soro Dagostino: Considering the filing with California is on record, we could check to see where the Association is -- reg wise
[10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We have a beautiful facility that is totally going to waste.
[10:50] Soro Dagostino: Was 990 filed?
[10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Not that I know of.
[10:51] Soro Dagostino: I recall the Association was incorporated a couple of years ago.
[10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq.: This is true.
[10:52] Soro Dagostino: brb -- RL
[10:52] Agenda Faromet: Almost exactly three years ago, I think.
[10:52] Sam Courtois. Esq.: And the people involved, except for Lincoln, are all gone.
[10:52] Sam Courtois. Esq.: At least as far as I know.
[10:52] Agenda Faromet: Involved in...incorporating? I was involved.
[10:53] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Do you know who has the files?
[10:53] Sam Courtois. Esq.: They need to be maintained I suspect.
[10:53] Elizabeth: Does Daniel have them?
[10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Not that he has told me.
[10:54] Elizabeth: Hmmm
[10:54] Tim Faith: i have some of the files from Ben
[10:54] Agenda Faromet: No clue. I would imagine Lex has them -- that would be my only guess. Lex or Geri.
[10:54] Tim Faith: i believe a 990 was filed for 2011
[10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Well, I don't know what to say or which way to jump.
[10:55] Sam Courtois. Esq.: All I know si that we need to rebuild or we shall wither.
[10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: For openers, everyone, bring a few new friends to the Christmas Party.
[10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We'll have seminars in January and March.
[10:56] ElizabethElizabeth nods.
[10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq.: help make sure they are well attentded.
[10:57] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I'll try to get Amnesty International here in February.
[10:57] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Any thing else we need to get into?
[10:58] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Perhaps there is a group of cross-dressing lawyers that want to get involved!
[10:58] Elizabeth: lol
[10:59] Lyra Snowpaw: Can I interject for a moment?
[10:59] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Please
[10:59] Lyra Snowpaw: If we want a DJ for the party, I have one lined up who can do Jazz
[11:00] Lyra Snowpaw: up to the group if they want it
[11:00] Sam Courtois. Esq.: So say you one, so say you all?
[11:00] Tim Faith: +1
[11:00] Elizabeth: I was also willing to sing.
[11:00] Lyra Snowpaw: oh perfect!
[11:00] Elizabeth: or rather, Chris.
[11:00] Soro Dagostino: Yes!
[11:01] Tim Faith: yay
[11:01] Sam Courtois. Esq.: We are counting on you for that Elizabeth.
[11:01] Lyra Snowpaw: Want to be the finale Elizabeht?
[11:01] Elizabeth: What if I sing and then we continue the party with the DJ?
[11:01] Lyra Snowpaw: or that lolz
[11:02] Soro Dagostino: I know a few music folk -- and some venues that might be available.
[11:02] Elizabeth: I thought we had decided to do so here?
[11:02] Elizabeth: I have a skating rink for down below and we can make it a little wintery, if you like.
[11:03] Sam Courtois. Esq.: OK -- it has been called to my attention that we are past the allotted hour.
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: Shall we adjourn?
[11:04] ElizabethElizabeth laughs.
[11:04] Tim Faith: so moved
[11:04] Sam Courtois. Esq.: has anyone been here for the whole time without crashing?
[11:04] Tim Faith: me
[11:04] Lyra Snowpaw: I have
[11:05] Elizabeth: I haven't crashed.
[11:05] Sam Courtois. Esq.: I would like a copy of the transcript, please.
[11:05] Lyra Snowpaw: need the text chat?

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