SL Bar Association

SL Bar Association

SLBA Meeting of 6-14-2014
Started at  10:12 am SLT
Attendees:  Tim Faith / yoss.kamachi
                 Faye Blackheart
                 Geri Kahn/Kuhn
[10:14:08] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i was trying to put the six years of our financial information in one summary
[10:14:29] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): That is a great idea
[10:15:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i suppose i would need to tinker with the print out so it is more readable
[10:15:11] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Sorry, I accidentally touched it. I was trying to get a copy for the minutes.
[10:15:36] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Can you put a copy in the drop box?
10:16:40] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): yes it is under corporation | financial reports | financial statements | P&L 2008-2014
[10:16:55] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Terrific thanks.
[10:17:00] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): one of the trends you notice is that dues have trailed downward since 2008
10:17:11] Faye Blackheart: like all else in this world haha
[10:17:12] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): which is consistent with the total number of members I see from year to year
[10:17:21] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): That is probably consistent with SL population in general as well
[10:17:31] Faye Blackheart: yep :/
[10:18:01] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i am not able to quite reconcile total members per year from this report to my detailed membership report
[10:18:20] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): however, we had a high of 76 members in 2010
[10:18:28] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): in 2013, 54
[10:18:53] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): but we had a net of 4 more members in 2013 compared to 2012 - so things were heading in the right direction
[10:19:06] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i hope we can continue that for this year
[10:19:21] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): one of the other interesting notes is the increase in donations to the group - outside of dues
[10:19:31] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): this is the result of our soliciting for donations at presentations
[10:19:33] Faye Blackheart: that might be from me, haha
[10:19:44] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Thank you Faye :)
[10:19:46] Faye Blackheart: I just keep dropping money into empty jars so it doesn't say zero
[10:19:46] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): and also from our activities with Law Day
[10:19:47] Faye Blackheart: haha
[10:19:52] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): and because Faye likes us
[10:20:27] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): you will note that this year we have a very large amount in donations because of a couple of donors that put L$200,000 into the group
[10:20:56] Elizabeth (elizabethesq) applauds
[10:20:57] Faye Blackheart: That's great
[10:21:26] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): our expenses over the last several years have held consistently at around L$42,000
[10:21:37] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): mostly rent, some advertising
[10:21:59] Faye Blackheart: what about income from rentals?
[10:22:02] Faye Blackheart: where is that
[10:22:15] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): SLBA is, presently, a tenant
[10:22:23] Faye Blackheart: Oh I see
[10:22:30] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): Sam is the island owner and enjoys the rent and expenses associated with it
[10:22:41] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Currently the rental income is paid to the owner, not the SLBA currently.
[10:22:42] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): we hope to transition this later in the month to the association
[10:22:52] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I like the use of hte word enjoys. LOL
[10:22:55] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): the*
[10:22:58] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): yes
[10:23:01] Faye Blackheart: Haha
[10:23:38] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): we will probably just switch out the rental boxes so that slbaadministrator owns them
[10:23:44] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): which would change who you pay rent to
[10:24:06] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): we think that our present tenants will permit a break even or a small gain on the reduced RL costs for the island with SL
[10:25:58] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i'll work with sam on that as we are able to get the transition done
[10:26:06] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn) nods.
[10:26:23] Faye Blackheart: Can we afford taking on the region as an expense?
[10:26:26] Faye Blackheart: pretty pricey
[10:26:37] Faye Blackheart: or is Sam just ready to sell, so we have to?
[10:26:52] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): It's been in the works for a significant period of time.
[10:26:52] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): it is about L$37,500 per month
[10:27:04] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): we believe our present tenants are close to that amount of revenue per month
[10:27:18] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): given that it is L$6,000 for a plot downstairs
[10:27:24] Faye Blackheart: really? including the ground levels, I suppose
[10:27:27] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): plus the monthly office rentals here
[10:28:03] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i'll re-examine it before we transition to make sure it makes sense
[10:28:27] Faye Blackheart: I've owned a few regions before, it is definitely a commitment...
[10:28:34] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i agree
[10:28:58] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Yes, but Sam was doing it to help the SLBA out, not because he was dying to own a region. It's also a little different because we are NFP.
[10:29:18] Faye Blackheart: Yeah, SL has a discounted price for NFP right?
[10:29:28] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): yes, we qualified for that earlier this year
[10:29:32] Faye Blackheart: That's good
[10:29:34] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): it is US$150/month
[10:29:44] Faye Blackheart: that's a GREAT discount
[10:29:49] Faye Blackheart: Ok, disregard my comments lol
[10:29:53] Faye Blackheart: I was thinking 300
[10:29:56] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): it is 50% off the list price, i believe
[10:31:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): so, i think it reflects a longer-term commitment by the association to remain here and continue
[10:31:33] Faye Blackheart: I agree
10:31:47] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i believe we continue to serve a useful purpose and hope we can continue in our mission
[10:31:54] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I agree Tim.
[10:32:06] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): right on
[10:32:22] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i am also not sure that there is a better virtual world to be in
[10:32:32] Faye Blackheart: There isn't
[10:32:43] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i did travel into kitely recently, but it seems even more empty than SL
[10:32:50] Elizabeth (elizabethesq) suddenly hears the echos of Kumbaya in the background as visions of fireflies dance in her head.
[10:32:51] Faye Blackheart: Nothing to the level of SL
[10:33:01] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): lol
[10:33:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): where is that campfire?
[10:33:25] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): there's a fireplace in the other room
[10:33:26] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I'll set one up outside my office on the mainland. LOL
[10:33:32] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): there you go
[10:33:57] Elizabeth (elizabethesq) laughs. Sorry. I couldn't resist.
[10:34:42] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): so we have elections next month
[10:34:53] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i trust you all are willing to stay on in your various roles?
[10:35:04] Faye Blackheart: absolutely
[10:35:10] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i do plan to run again for prez
[10:35:21] Elizabeth (elizabethesq) laughs, "You mean people weren't chomping at the bit for our roles?"
[10:35:22] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): unless someone else wants to do it
[10:35:28] Faye Blackheart: as long as i'm not getting fired, haha
[10:35:50] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): right - there was a hot competition for president when sam stepped down for sure
[10:36:10] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): our main officer that is missing is treasurer
[10:36:21] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): lyra has been MIA for several months
[10:36:39] Faye Blackheart: Has anyone talked to her
[10:36:46] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I was about to ask the same thing?
[10:36:52] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i've tried to reach her several times but she has not responded to me
[10:37:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): she does appear in-world when i am here from time to time
[10:37:38] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i am not sure what happened
[10:38:51] Faye Blackheart: Not to go off on a tangent, but I just came across this today, a marketing opportunity.....
[10:39:50] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): cool
[10:40:01] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): elizabeth, i think you are right
[10:40:04] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): yeah
[10:41:06] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): so that is the main issue is filling that role
[10:41:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i'm covering for now
[10:41:24] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): let me know if anyone comes to mind with an interest in being treasurer
[10:41:37] Elizabeth (elizabethesq) nods. Will do.
[10:42:03] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Is Lexis still around?
[10:42:05] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): so we should all submit Justitia to the Guardian
[10:42:17] Faye Blackheart: Big website, could get a lot of views
[10:42:23] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I haven't seen Lexis in ages.
[10:43:00] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): no i haven't talked with Lexis in some time - over a year, i think
[10:43:06] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn) nods.
[10:44:36] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): When is our next meeting?
[10:44:55] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): July 12?
[10:44:58] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): 7-12, though that may be a problem for me as i have a wedding that day
[10:45:12] Elizabeth (elizabethesq) smiles. Don't worry, you'll still be voted in.
[10:45:17] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): sure
[10:45:20] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): (Just kidding)
[10:45:29] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): We can always reschedule it if need be. it happens.
[10:46:55] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Is there any other business to discuss?
[10:47:09] Faye Blackheart: I don't think I have anything else
[10:47:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): no, i think that was it on my list
[10:47:14] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I don't think so.
[10:47:32] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Well, I move to adjourn
[10:47:40] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Second
[10:47:40] Faye Blackheart seconds that motion
[10:47:43] Faye Blackheart: er third
[10:47:50] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): absent objections, so ordered
[10:47:56] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn) grins
[10:48:17] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Thanks for all of your work, all of you.
[10:48:25] Faye Blackheart: You too Tim
[10:48:34] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): /bows
[10:48:37] Faye Blackheart: haha

Meeting adjourned at 10:47 AM SLT

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