[2013/03/09 10:00] Agenda Faromet: Since the meeting has now started, should we go in the proper conference room so people can sit?
[2013/03/09 10:00] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Yes.
[2013/03/09 10:00] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): very well
[2013/03/09 10:00] Juris Amat: agreed
[2013/03/09 10:00] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Mary Beth, please follow everyone else
[2013/03/09 10:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Suemoon Magic (19m)
[2013/03/09 10:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Sam4 Courtois (19m)
[2013/03/09 10:01] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We need ten for a quorum, we have eight.
[2013/03/09 10:01] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): So, let us proceed with self introductions.
[2013/03/09 10:02] Agenda Faromet: Nine.
[2013/03/09 10:02] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): MaryBeth has just tols us about herself.
[2013/03/09 10:02] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): /me I don't really count, do I
[2013/03/09 10:02] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): kidding
[2013/03/09 10:03] Agenda Faromet: /Can't/ count, you mean?
[2013/03/09 10:03] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): we have nine.
[2013/03/09 10:03] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Hush!
[2013/03/09 10:03] Agenda Faromet: /me laughs
[2013/03/09 10:03] Juris Amat: lol
[2013/03/09 10:04] Agenda Faromet: Oooh!
[2013/03/09 10:04] Agenda Faromet: Do you hear that? Are you listening to the shoutcast?
[2013/03/09 10:04] Agenda Faromet: They're talking about Paul Frampton /right/ /now/.
[2013/03/09 10:04] Agenda Faromet: I was /just/ talking about that.
[2013/03/09 10:05] Juris Amat: i only hear house music :(
[2013/03/09 10:05] Agenda Faromet: .....Ignore me. Good lord. I'm a moron. It was my web browser playing over it.
[2013/03/09 10:05] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Hello Suemoon
[2013/03/09 10:05] Suemoon Magic: ㋡
[2013/03/09 10:06] Lyra Snowpaw: Hi SueMoon!
[2013/03/09 10:06] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: RSMartinez Resident (6m)
[2013/03/09 10:06] Suemoon Magic: Hi everybody
[2013/03/09 10:06] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Yoss Kamachi (3m)
[2013/03/09 10:06] Juris Amat: Hi sue, zenitram
[2013/03/09 10:06] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Hello Zentram
[2013/03/09 10:06] zenitram (rsmartinez): hello
[2013/03/09 10:07] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): hello
[2013/03/09 10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Welcome everyone.
[2013/03/09 10:07] Agenda Faromet: And that's a quorum. Let's get this party started!
[2013/03/09 10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Faye, welcome to you.
[2013/03/09 10:07] Faye Blackheart: Thank you :)
[2013/03/09 10:07] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Geri wanted introductions.
[2013/03/09 10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Geri, introduce yourself.
[2013/03/09 10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Lyra.
[2013/03/09 10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Agenda.
[2013/03/09 10:08] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Juris
[2013/03/09 10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Faye
[2013/03/09 10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Tim
[2013/03/09 10:09] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Sorry, I was looking at our ning site
[2013/03/09 10:09] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): ?
[2013/03/09 10:09] Lyra Snowpaw: I'm Lyra I work in Administrative law mostly taxation
[2013/03/09 10:09] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): I'm a commercial/business/tech attorney in MD
[2013/03/09 10:09] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): and I can now again type in the chat window, yay!
[2013/03/09 10:09] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Zenitram
[2013/03/09 10:09] Agenda Faromet: If I may make a suggestion? We only have one hour once a month to meet. Maybe we could go back to having our really awesome coffee chats to welcome new members?
[2013/03/09 10:10] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): +1
[2013/03/09 10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): I'm game
[2013/03/09 10:10] zenitram (rsmartinez): works for me
[2013/03/09 10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): introiduce yoyrself agenda.
[2013/03/09 10:10] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): My name is Geri Kahn. I'm the SL Bar Secretary and in I practice immigration law and Social Security disability law
[2013/03/09 10:10] Mary Beth Cooperstone (marybeth.cooperstone): sounds good
[2013/03/09 10:10] Agenda Faromet: Hi, I'm Agenda. I'm a lawyer.
[2013/03/09 10:10] Juris Amat: Im Juris. A rl Massachusetts attorney although i reside in croatia. I specialize in intellectual property, entertainment and internet law
[2013/03/09 10:10] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): he he he
[2013/03/09 10:10] zenitram (rsmartinez): I'm Robin Martinez ... business, real estate, community economic development law
[2013/03/09 10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Suemoon
[2013/03/09 10:11] Suemoon Magic: I am a librarian in a Law School in New Orleans. I have a JD but do not prqctice
[2013/03/09 10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Faye?
[2013/03/09 10:11] Faye Blackheart: I'm Faye, I'm a 6th year litigation paralegal in Seattle and finally making the trek to law school in August.. University of Idaho....quite excited...
[2013/03/09 10:11] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Very good.
[2013/03/09 10:11] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): congrats!
[2013/03/09 10:12] Faye Blackheart: thanks :)
[2013/03/09 10:12] Juris Amat: yay Faye!!
[2013/03/09 10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): I'm Sam, I practice mining law in Alaska.
[2013/03/09 10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Let's start witha treasureur's report.
[2013/03/09 10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Tim?
[2013/03/09 10:12] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): I'm a commercial/business/tech attorney in MD
[2013/03/09 10:12] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): and you are treasurer
[2013/03/09 10:12] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): yes
[2013/03/09 10:13] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): how much loot do we have?
[2013/03/09 10:13] Faye Blackheart: hehe
[2013/03/09 10:13] Juris Amat: :)
[2013/03/09 10:13] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): L127,887
[2013/03/09 10:13] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): thank you agenda for the L250
[2013/03/09 10:13] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): haw many members do we have?
[2013/03/09 10:13] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): 47, I believe
[2013/03/09 10:13] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): hpow
[2013/03/09 10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Dues are due in June, elections are in July.
[2013/03/09 10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): you have to be a paid up member to vote.
[2013/03/09 10:14] Agenda Faromet: The L$250 wasn't from me, it was from Lyra.
[2013/03/09 10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Tim has agreed to run for President.
[2013/03/09 10:14] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): thanks, Lyra
[2013/03/09 10:14] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): :)
[2013/03/09 10:14] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We need other people to agree to serve as officers.
[2013/03/09 10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Geri has agreed to be Secretary forever.
[2013/03/09 10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Right?
[2013/03/09 10:15] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /me laughs
[2013/03/09 10:15] Agenda Faromet: Donations to the donation jars come to me because I own the object, so I pass them over to SLBAAdministrator when I get them.
[2013/03/09 10:15] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Well I just started so I'd be happy to continue but not forever
[2013/03/09 10:15] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /me grins
[2013/03/09 10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We need someone to run for treasuere to pick up th emarbles from Tim.
[2013/03/09 10:15] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We don't need to decide now, but let's find someone.
[2013/03/09 10:16] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): I can give them an up-to-date Quickbooks file
[2013/03/09 10:16] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): once we are ready
[2013/03/09 10:16] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Programs:
[2013/03/09 10:16] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Whe ahve had some great programs already this year and havea fantastic schedule laid out through October.
[2013/03/09 10:17] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Thank you everyone for your excellent support of this initiative.
[2013/03/09 10:17] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Now we need to build up attendance.
[2013/03/09 10:18] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): If you know of anyone in Sl who might be marginally interested, make sure they come.
[2013/03/09 10:18] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Gnerally, I prefer to target the presentations for the first Saturday of each month at 10a.m. SLT.
[2013/03/09 10:19] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Does everyone think that is an ok time?
[2013/03/09 10:19] Suemoon Magic: yes
[2013/03/09 10:19] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): sure
[2013/03/09 10:19] Juris Amat: yes
[2013/03/09 10:19] Lyra Snowpaw: yes
[2013/03/09 10:19] Mary Beth Cooperstone (marybeth.cooperstone): OK with me
[2013/03/09 10:19] Faye Blackheart: yes
[2013/03/09 10:19] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Let's continue top do that then, obviously with flexibility.
[2013/03/09 10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Put it on your calendars, though.
[2013/03/09 10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Next, it must be time for a party.
[2013/03/09 10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Agenda has suggested a coffee social.
[2013/03/09 10:20] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Anyone have any thoughts on this subject?
[2013/03/09 10:20] Lyra Snowpaw: great idea
[2013/03/09 10:21] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i can host at my place here
[2013/03/09 10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Hi Starlight!
[2013/03/09 10:21] Agenda Faromet: We used to have coffee socials regularly, and they were so well received. They're a great way to introduce new members to our regulars.
[2013/03/09 10:21] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Starlight Darkmatter (6m)
[2013/03/09 10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): When Tim?
[2013/03/09 10:21] Agenda Faromet: I know people get bored with Justitia, but we do have a coffee shop. It has some very cute cakes and pies.
[2013/03/09 10:21] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): In the dungeon?
[2013/03/09 10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Sort of a kick off for the BDSM theme?
[2013/03/09 10:22] Lyra Snowpaw: koffs
[2013/03/09 10:22] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): lol
[2013/03/09 10:22] Agenda Faromet: Hahaha, I had forgotten about Tim's dungeon. YES, Tim's dungeon wins.
[2013/03/09 10:22] Suemoon Magic: ? ㋡
[2013/03/09 10:22] Faye Blackheart: coffee and cake in the BDSM dungeon....sounds lovely lol
[2013/03/09 10:22] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i'm happy to host march 30
[2013/03/09 10:22] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): though my dungeon is a bit spartan
[2013/03/09 10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): excellent!
[2013/03/09 10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): March 30 it is.
[2013/03/09 10:22] zenitram (rsmartinez): could pair it with how to draft releases for BDSM participants
[2013/03/09 10:22] Agenda Faromet: Wait. How about /not/ on a Saturday?
[2013/03/09 10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): you have three weeks to trickit out!
[2013/03/09 10:22] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): what's your pleasure agenda?
[2013/03/09 10:22] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): When do you suggest Agenda?
[2013/03/09 10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): A wednesday?
[2013/03/09 10:23] Agenda Faromet: We used to do our coffee socials on Wednesdays to accommodate people who couldn't make our normal Saturday meetings. Also, frankly, SLBA is already taking up half my monthly Saturdays, and that's enough.
[2013/03/09 10:23] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): March 27 then?
[2013/03/09 10:23] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): i can do the 27th, most likely
[2013/03/09 10:24] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Done - What time?
[2013/03/09 10:24] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): shall we plan for like 5:30 pm SLT
[2013/03/09 10:24] Agenda Faromet: That sounds good.
[2013/03/09 10:24] Faye Blackheart: that's kinda early for me
[2013/03/09 10:24] Faye Blackheart: is 6 too late?
[2013/03/09 10:24] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Anyone on the East Coast still awake?
[2013/03/09 10:24] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): no problem, 6pm SLT is fine for me
[2013/03/09 10:25] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): I'll just have a cup of coffee to stay up that late
[2013/03/09 10:25] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): lol
[2013/03/09 10:25] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): "Let the word go forth from this place and time ..."
[2013/03/09 10:25] Agenda Faromet: Perfect!
[2013/03/09 10:25] Lyra Snowpaw: I will bring the martinis
[2013/03/09 10:25] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): agenda, do you think we should do this every month?
[2013/03/09 10:26] Agenda Faromet: No.
[2013/03/09 10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Ok.
[2013/03/09 10:26] Starlight Darkmatter: Maybe every other month or quarterly?
[2013/03/09 10:26] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Well, we can think about it then.
[2013/03/09 10:27] Agenda Faromet: We tried doing coffee socials every month before, and after a few, people took them for granted and stopped coming. I like the idea of doing them every other month / quarterly -- good one, Starlight.
[2013/03/09 10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): I am fond of quarterly, frankly.
[2013/03/09 10:27] Agenda Faromet: Quarterly sounds really good.
[2013/03/09 10:27] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): ok, well everyone come over to storm the castle at the end of the month
[2013/03/09 10:27] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): then we will plan another for June.
[2013/03/09 10:27] Suemoon Magic: You'll send out LMs?
[2013/03/09 10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Great.
[2013/03/09 10:28] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): Yes, I will
[2013/03/09 10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): I think thre will be a general invitation with a lm.
[2013/03/09 10:28] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Tim is great at doing that.
[2013/03/09 10:28] Agenda Faromet: That'd be perfect. We could have a Spring Coffee Social, a Summer Coffee Social (perfect in time for elections), a Fall Coffee Social to yammer about our Virtual Vices series, and a Winter....do we want to just do the Winter Holiday Party instead?
[2013/03/09 10:29] Suemoon Magic: sounds good
[2013/03/09 10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Yes - a winter party in December.
[2013/03/09 10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): I like parties.
[2013/03/09 10:29] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: DanielPerry Laa (6m)
[2013/03/09 10:29] HUD AMERICAN FLAG PIN: 1
[2013/03/09 10:29] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Soro Dagostino (6m)
[2013/03/09 10:29] Faye Blackheart: that sounds fun
[2013/03/09 10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Hello Soro
[2013/03/09 10:29] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Hello Daniel.
[2013/03/09 10:30] DanielPerry Laa: Sorry I am late!
[2013/03/09 10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Nice to see you both
[2013/03/09 10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Always welcome.
[2013/03/09 10:30] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): The Village:
[2013/03/09 10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Agenda, can you give us a few words about the village - what's new?
[2013/03/09 10:31] Agenda Faromet: We have new cakes and pies in the cafe!
[2013/03/09 10:31] Agenda Faromet: They're /super/ cute. There's one with strawberries on it.
[2013/03/09 10:31] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Yummy!
[2013/03/09 10:31] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): :)
[2013/03/09 10:31] Soro Dagostino: Hello all, sorry to be late.
[2013/03/09 10:32] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): No worries Soro.
[2013/03/09 10:32] Agenda Faromet: Also I've built out offices in the two buildings on the end of the road. But mostly, new cakes and pies. Oh, and cupcakes! With little hearts on. And a whole plate of macarons.
[2013/03/09 10:32] Agenda Faromet: Seriously, the coffee shop is amazeballs lately. And I'll be replacing the chairs and tables soon.
[2013/03/09 10:33] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): In any case, we still have room for a few more tenants, so everyone, please ensure your friends know they are invited to open an office here.
[2013/03/09 10:34] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): It serves us veryu well if there are a lot of law offices here.
[2013/03/09 10:34] Agenda Faromet: OH.
[2013/03/09 10:34] Juris Amat: cupcakes yum
[2013/03/09 10:34] Agenda Faromet: For those of you currently renting office space here...I'm not sure if Sam ever talked to you about private skybox space.
[2013/03/09 10:35] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Good point.
[2013/03/09 10:35] Faye Blackheart: is office space reserved for attorneys only?
[2013/03/09 10:36] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We can do skyboxes for remote conversations.
[2013/03/09 10:36] Lyra Snowpaw: no I don't think so Faye
[2013/03/09 10:36] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Faye, we are pretty liberal about that. That is the main idea, but what do youy have in mind?
[2013/03/09 10:36] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): I'm not certain a night club would work.
[2013/03/09 10:36] Agenda Faromet: Since you can't have a private conversation with a client / potential client on Justitia level (because of chat range issues), if you would like a small private skybox, talk to me and I'll set one up for you. You may not go over your prim limit, but it gives you a private space to talk. (Remember that conversations on SL are not actually /confidential/).
[2013/03/09 10:37] Starlight Darkmatter: You can connect via Skype, and that is encrypted.
[2013/03/09 10:37] Faye Blackheart: Oh I was just curious... i was thinking of opening an office in bay city... but not for legal advice, more for discussions with the public...and potential referrals to lawyers
[2013/03/09 10:37] Faye Blackheart: but here would certainly be a nice place
[2013/03/09 10:38] Agenda Faromet: Right, Starlight, but then you don't have the same need for a skybox.
[2013/03/09 10:38] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): There are still a few parcels left at sea level as well.
[2013/03/09 10:38] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Faye, you would be very welcome to do that.
[2013/03/09 10:38] Faye Blackheart: great, I'll look around after the meeting and see if i can find a place
[2013/03/09 10:39] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): You can have an office , a sea level parcel and a skybox, if you would like.
[2013/03/09 10:39] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): all that and a bag of chips!
[2013/03/09 10:39] Suemoon Magic: ㋡
[2013/03/09 10:39] Starlight Darkmatter: :)
[2013/03/09 10:39] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We are very agreeable.
[2013/03/09 10:39] Agenda Faromet: Mmmm, chips.
[2013/03/09 10:39] Juris Amat: sorry all but ive got to log off. see you all next time!
[2013/03/09 10:39] Faye Blackheart: do i get free cake and coffee too?
[2013/03/09 10:39] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): bye juris
[2013/03/09 10:39] Agenda Faromet: Yes! With strawberries!
[2013/03/09 10:39] Lyra Snowpaw: bye Juris
[2013/03/09 10:39] Faye Blackheart: nice to meet you juris
[2013/03/09 10:40] Suemoon Magic: bye Juris
[2013/03/09 10:40] Juris Amat: likewise
[2013/03/09 10:40] Agenda Faromet: Bye, Juris!
[2013/03/09 10:40] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): bye
[2013/03/09 10:40] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Bye Juris, thanks for coming.
[2013/03/09 10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Soros and daniel, we were speaking about programs earlier.
[2013/03/09 10:41] Soro Dagostino: k
[2013/03/09 10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Do eithr of you have any ideas for programs?
[2013/03/09 10:41] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): so far: April 6, 2013, 10am SLT - Immigration Law
May 4, 2013, 10am SLT - Real Estate in RL & SL
June, 2013 - Online Resolution of IPR Disputes
August, 2013 - Virtual Law Practice
September, 2013 - BDSM & the Law
October, 2013 - Online Gambling
[2013/03/09 10:41] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We have projected a program though October, as you can see.
[2013/03/09 10:42] Faye Blackheart: All this scheduling is on the website, yes?
[2013/03/09 10:42] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): yes
[2013/03/09 10:42] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): But, Daniel, you have worked witht he ABA etc. - any fertile ground there to plant?
[2013/03/09 10:43] DanielPerry Laa: ABA ... have not worked with them in a couple of years. When I last worked with them the committee on virtual worlds was really inactive.
[2013/03/09 10:43] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Soro - how about CDC - anything there to talk about?
[2013/03/09 10:44] Agenda Faromet: It's still really inactive.
[2013/03/09 10:44] DanielPerry Laa: Am researching Legal Ethics in SL though the whole are of ethics in social media is a huge topic and changing weekly
[2013/03/09 10:44] Starlight Darkmatter: There is some really interesting stuff going on in academic publishing - requiring open access for government funded research
[2013/03/09 10:45] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): our website: http://slbarassn.ning.com/
[2013/03/09 10:45] Starlight Darkmatter: The OSTP just published a statement on it
[2013/03/09 10:45] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): \Starlight, is there a program you want to put on the list?
[2013/03/09 10:45] Suemoon Magic: Is Stephanie Kimbro doing the August talk?
[2013/03/09 10:45] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): No, Richard Granat
[2013/03/09 10:45] DanielPerry Laa: Has anybody seen what immersive environments are capable in the browser using WebGL?
[2013/03/09 10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Explain. Daniel.
[2013/03/09 10:46] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): (I don't have a clue as to what an immersive environmentalist is.)
[2013/03/09 10:47] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): I've met a few of them
[2013/03/09 10:47] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Enlighten us.
[2013/03/09 10:47] Starlight Darkmatter: well, I wrote a blog article about it... I'm waiting to see if Nature accepts it so I can write a blog for them... This is the overview of the legislation: http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ostp/library/publicacc...
[2013/03/09 10:47] Starlight Darkmatter: It is possible I could do a talk on it
[2013/03/09 10:47] Suemoon Magic: Cool
[2013/03/09 10:48] DanielPerry Laa: WebGL is all the rage for gaming in the browser http://www.chromeexperiments.com/webgl/
[2013/03/09 10:48] Starlight Darkmatter: There are many educators in SL who are interested in digital publishing and presenting their work in SL
[2013/03/09 10:48] DanielPerry Laa: Digital publishing ... as in eBooks or iPad?
[2013/03/09 10:49] Second Life: Select residents to share with.
[2013/03/09 10:49] Starlight Darkmatter: I mean publishing on the internet in open access peer reviewed journals
[2013/03/09 10:49] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[2013/03/09 10:49] Second Life: Select residents to share with.
[2013/03/09 10:49] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[2013/03/09 10:49] Starlight Darkmatter: There is even a scholarly boycott against Elsevier
[2013/03/09 10:49] Second Life: Select residents to share with.
[2013/03/09 10:49] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Would November work for you Starlight?
[2013/03/09 10:49] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[2013/03/09 10:50] Starlight Darkmatter: Okay
[2013/03/09 10:50] Second Life: Select residents to share with.
[2013/03/09 10:50] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[2013/03/09 10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Tim - got that?
[2013/03/09 10:50] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): yes
[2013/03/09 10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Give us a title Starlight.
[2013/03/09 10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Also
[2013/03/09 10:50] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: patrick Thorkveld (6m)
[2013/03/09 10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): New item.
[2013/03/09 10:50] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Greetings Patrick
[2013/03/09 10:51] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Elizabette Resident (4m)
[2013/03/09 10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Welcome.
[2013/03/09 10:51] patrick Thorkveld: hello
[2013/03/09 10:51] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): hiya to both of you
[2013/03/09 10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): We need to get our act together for Law Day, May 1.
[2013/03/09 10:51] patrick Thorkveld: sorry to interrupt
[2013/03/09 10:51] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Welcome Liz!
[2013/03/09 10:51] Starlight Darkmatter: My title for the blog is "Open Access Advocates Trumpet the Fall of the Paywall" -- will that work?
[2013/03/09 10:51] Lyra Snowpaw: oh nice title!
[2013/03/09 10:52] Starlight Darkmatter: ty
[2013/03/09 10:52] DanielPerry Laa: Title should be shorter if you want retweets
[2013/03/09 10:52] Starlight Darkmatter: okay..
[2013/03/09 10:53] DanielPerry Laa: Fall of the Paywall
[2013/03/09 10:53] Starlight Darkmatter: OSTP Policy Ensures Free Access to Info
[2013/03/09 10:53] Starlight Darkmatter: or that one
[2013/03/09 10:54] Starlight Darkmatter: Either is fine
[2013/03/09 10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Law Day, people.
[2013/03/09 10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): May 1.
[2013/03/09 10:54] Lyra Snowpaw: I say we just link it to the Real Estate presentation
[2013/03/09 10:54] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): How shall we commemorate it?
[2013/03/09 10:54] Lyra Snowpaw: which is already May 4
[2013/03/09 10:55] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Excellent idea.
[2013/03/09 10:55] Lyra Snowpaw: Justitia is in the Destination Guide now
[2013/03/09 10:55] Lyra Snowpaw: but they moved us from Featured Events to the Business section so I guess that move is permanent
[2013/03/09 10:55] DanielPerry Laa: Virtual Law Day
[2013/03/09 10:55] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Gracie is not ehre today, but we need to reach out to her and figure out how to meld the two topics.
[2013/03/09 10:55] Lyra Snowpaw: but we can resubmit it to Featured events
[2013/03/09 10:55] DanielPerry Laa: Sorry .. Second Life Law Day
[2013/03/09 10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Good way to put it Daniel. Thank you.
[2013/03/09 10:56] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Second Life Law
[2013/03/09 10:57] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Day shall be May 4, 2013
[2013/03/09 10:57] Starlight Darkmatter: Battle of the Lawyers: an in-world game show ?
[2013/03/09 10:57] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): lol
[2013/03/09 10:57] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): OK - we are getting enar the end of the hour.
[2013/03/09 10:58] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): all - i've got to run - I have a conflict with another meeting out of the office
[2013/03/09 10:58] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Anything else for the good of th order?
[2013/03/09 10:58] Agenda Faromet: I move we adjourn!
[2013/03/09 10:58] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): second
[2013/03/09 10:58] Tim Faith (yoss.kamachi): hope to see everyone on the 27th of march
[2013/03/09 10:58] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Count on it.
[2013/03/09 10:58] Faye Blackheart: see you all March 27th )
[2013/03/09 10:58] DanielPerry Laa: Bye, folks!
[2013/03/09 10:58] Starlight Darkmatter: bye all
[2013/03/09 10:58] Agenda Faromet: See everyone March 27. I'll bring the cake and pies!
[2013/03/09 10:58] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Moved and seocnded that we adjourn. - any objections?
[2013/03/09 10:58] Soro Dagostino: Bye all
[2013/03/09 10:58] Suemoon Magic: bye all
[2013/03/09 10:58] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Without objection, so ordered.
[2013/03/09 10:58] Mary Beth Cooperstone (marybeth.cooperstone): Bye, see you 3/27
[2013/03/09 10:59] Sam Courtois. Esq. (sam4.courtois): Thank you everyone for coming.
Tags: 2013, 9, March, general, meeting, transcript
Views: 55
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