[2016/04/09 10:12] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Geri, would you like to make a motion to accept the old minutes? We have 4 exec committee members to create a quorum, so we can do so!
[2016/04/09 10:13] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Sure.. Motion to accept old minutes..I think from March?
[2016/04/09 10:13] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Yes.
[2016/04/09 10:13] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): February
[2016/04/09 10:13] Tim (yoss.kamachi): second
[2016/04/09 10:13] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): They are posted on our website on Ning
[2016/04/09 10:13] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): All in favor of accepting the February minutes?
[2016/04/09 10:13] Treasure Ballinger: aye
[2016/04/09 10:13] Suemoon Magic: aye
[2016/04/09 10:13] Tim (yoss.kamachi): aye
[2016/04/09 10:14] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): aye
[2016/04/09 10:14] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): aye
[2016/04/09 10:14] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Any opposed?
[2016/04/09 10:14] Ellen Ireland: not opposed, but haven't read them yet, that's all
[2016/04/09 10:14] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Abstain?
[2016/04/09 10:14] Ellen Ireland: Yes, count me as abstain
[2016/04/09 10:15] Ellen Ireland: Shouldn't need my vote to carry
[2016/04/09 10:15] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): ok. Motion carries. 5 ayes and 1 abstention.
[2016/04/09 10:16] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I have the financial report from the month of February posted. We are doing well. :-)
[2016/04/09 10:17] Suemoon Magic: Is that posted on the Ning too?
[2016/04/09 10:17] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I don't believe we post financials online.
[2016/04/09 10:17] Treasure Ballinger: I think it's in our dropbox isn't it?
[2016/04/09 10:17] Suemoon Magic: ok
[2016/04/09 10:17] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): It is in dropbox.
[2016/04/09 10:18] Free Radar HUD: /me v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[2016/04/09 10:19] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): That brings us to our important conversation of the benefit on Friday, April 15.
[2016/04/09 10:20] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Here is our concert poster. :-)
[2016/04/09 10:20] Tim (yoss.kamachi): courtesy of seth regan
[2016/04/09 10:21] Treasure Ballinger: I love it.
[2016/04/09 10:21] Ellen Ireland: Can we have copies of those to put around in other places?
[2016/04/09 10:21] Treasure Ballinger: M e too?
[2016/04/09 10:21] Tim (yoss.kamachi): sure
[2016/04/09 10:21] Treasure Ballinger: Does Golda Stein have one?
[2016/04/09 10:21] Tim (yoss.kamachi): yes i sent one to her, treasure
[2016/04/09 10:21] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Yes
[2016/04/09 10:21] Ellen Ireland: and it should have the landmark too
[2016/04/09 10:21] Suemoon Magic: Maybe it could be posted to the SL Bar Face Book page?
[2016/04/09 10:22] Ellen Ireland: We should figure that out, shouldn't we? Multiple FB pages - thank you Tim
[2016/04/09 10:22] Ellen Ireland: Good to have the texture but a copiable object with the landmark included would help to spread it aroudn
[2016/04/09 10:22] Ellen Ireland: around
[2016/04/09 10:22] Ellen Ireland: Uh oh
[2016/04/09 10:23] Ellen Ireland: Looks like somebody crashed
[2016/04/09 10:23] Tim (yoss.kamachi): we broke elizabeth
[2016/04/09 10:23] Treasure Ballinger: Thank you.
[2016/04/09 10:23] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: ElizabethEsq Resident (4m)
[2016/04/09 10:23] Tim (yoss.kamachi): wb elizabeth
[2016/04/09 10:23] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Thank you. Sorry about that! I haven't crashed in that manner in ages!
[2016/04/09 10:23] Tim (yoss.kamachi): lol
[2016/04/09 10:24] Ellen Ireland: Welcome back.
[2016/04/09 10:24] Treasure Ballinger: I'm glad Dreams was selected.
[2016/04/09 10:24] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): They are an awesome group.
[2016/04/09 10:24] Treasure Ballinger: yes!
[2016/04/09 10:24] Ellen Ireland: Thank you Elizabeth
[2016/04/09 10:25] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I think I got everyone with the poster. :-)
[2016/04/09 10:25] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): It is a beautiful poster
[2016/04/09 10:25] Suemoon Magic: ty
[2016/04/09 10:25] Ellen Ireland: Yes it is
[2016/04/09 10:25] Treasure Ballinger: That's their formal logo and it is a great poster.
[2016/04/09 10:26] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Thanks to Tim and Seth, who put the poster together.
[2016/04/09 10:26] Treasure Ballinger: k
[2016/04/09 10:26] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Yes!
[2016/04/09 10:26] Treasure Ballinger: it's here on Justitia?
[2016/04/09 10:27] Suemoon Magic: What will the link be?
[2016/04/09 10:27] Suemoon Magic: landmark?
[2016/04/09 10:27] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): All the proceeds from that night are being donated to the group, so not only are we making our own presence known, but we are also helping a great group.
[2016/04/09 10:28] Treasure Ballinger: yes that. I can put it on a prim but need the LM to add.
[2016/04/09 10:28] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Should be right by the outdoor movk courtroom.
[2016/04/09 10:28] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): mock*
[2016/04/09 10:28] Treasure Ballinger: They are a very worthy group and they do struggle financially to stay here. So I'm really glad about this.
[2016/04/09 10:29] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): When I spoke to them, they were incredulous that we would do this for them.
[2016/04/09 10:29] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /me smiles
[2016/04/09 10:29] Treasure Ballinger: *smiles*
[2016/04/09 10:29] Suemoon Magic: ã‹¡
[2016/04/09 10:30] Tim (yoss.kamachi): we should change our mission statement to "pay it forward"
[2016/04/09 10:30] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me smiles
[2016/04/09 10:30] Treasure Ballinger: brb still pouring down coffee
[2016/04/09 10:30] Ellen Ireland: AFK for a moment, getting hot coffee for myself as well
[2016/04/09 10:31] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Unfortunately, I am not good at scripting, and while I can make a poster and add things to the contents, I have no idea how to make the poster link to the SLURL.
[2016/04/09 10:32] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): or Landmark.
[2016/04/09 10:32] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me laughs
[2016/04/09 10:32] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): If anyone knows how to do it, and is willing to help, please let me know.
[2016/04/09 10:34] Treasure Ballinger: I only know how to add a LM, with a LM giver inside the poster, but not a slurl link
[2016/04/09 10:34] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I didn't mean to call it a SLURL.
[2016/04/09 10:34] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me laughs
[2016/04/09 10:34] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Shows how clueless I am.
[2016/04/09 10:35] Ellen Ireland: I don't write scripts but I have collected a number of the free simple scripts including ones for giving out a landmark, but it sounds like Treasure has that covered already.
[2016/04/09 10:35] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): It's the LM giver that I need then, right?
[2016/04/09 10:35] Ellen Ireland: /me nods
[2016/04/09 10:35] Treasure Ballinger: yes, I'm sending it to you
[2016/04/09 10:35] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Thank you most kindly!
[2016/04/09 10:36] Treasure Ballinger: you put that script in the object contents, then dd the lm
[2016/04/09 10:36] Treasure Ballinger: *add
[2016/04/09 10:37] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I hope all of you can come - if not for the whole thing, at least for part of it - on Friday. It should be a wonderful concert and it's a great chance for people on SL to get to know us and that we exist!
[2016/04/09 10:37] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Thank you Treasure!
[2016/04/09 10:37] Ellen Ireland: I will invite some of my KittyCats friends to come over.
[2016/04/09 10:37] Treasure Ballinger: We can promote in our groups as allowed, right?
[2016/04/09 10:37] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Thank you Treasure!
[2016/04/09 10:38] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Yay! It worked.
[2016/04/09 10:38] Treasure Ballinger: I'm sure Virtual Ability will promote heavily
[2016/04/09 10:38] Treasure Ballinger: and Dreams themselves of course
[2016/04/09 10:38] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): If you would like a copy of the corrected poster with the LM, I will gladly provide it to you. :-)
[2016/04/09 10:39] Treasure Ballinger: thanx
[2016/04/09 10:39] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Got it
[2016/04/09 10:39] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I'm really excited about it, and can't wait to hear some wonderful music in the process too!
[2016/04/09 10:39] Treasure Ballinger: ok wait
[2016/04/09 10:39] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Yes?
[2016/04/09 10:39] Treasure Ballinger: it's no copy no mod so we can't share it
[2016/04/09 10:39] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Hmmm
[2016/04/09 10:39] Treasure Ballinger: need it to be copy
[2016/04/09 10:40] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Let me check and fix that. Sorry!
[2016/04/09 10:40] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): And that's what you look like while wearing a poster.
[2016/04/09 10:40] Treasure Ballinger: Have't seen that for awhile.
[2016/04/09 10:40] Treasure Ballinger: :)
[2016/04/09 10:41] Treasure Ballinger: my 3 year old RL grandaughter was wearing a box on her head gave me quite a start. lol
[2016/04/09 10:41] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I hope that one is now correct on all counts.
[2016/04/09 10:41] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): hahahaha
[2016/04/09 10:41] Treasure Ballinger: no, still no copy
[2016/04/09 10:41] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): At least she wasn't wearing a board through her torso.
[2016/04/09 10:41] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Grrr
[2016/04/09 10:42] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I changed permissions.
[2016/04/09 10:42] Treasure Ballinger: should have the copy and transfer boxes checked and the modify box unchecked
[2016/04/09 10:42] Treasure Ballinger: so we can give it away and still keep it for ourselves
[2016/04/09 10:43] Treasure Ballinger: but not change it
[2016/04/09 10:43] Ellen Ireland: It still shows as no-copy
[2016/04/09 10:43] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I changed all the permissions and made it for sale for you. If you guys don't mind "buying" the one up here for $0.
[2016/04/09 10:44] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): omg
[2016/04/09 10:44] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I'll change it to o
[2016/04/09 10:44] Treasure Ballinger: perfect
[2016/04/09 10:44] Treasure Ballinger: got it
[2016/04/09 10:44] Ellen Ireland: Got one
[2016/04/09 10:45] Suemoon Magic: got it
[2016/04/09 10:45] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Did anyone else end up paying? I reimbursed you if I saw it. LOL. Sorry. I told you I was clueless!
[2016/04/09 10:45] Treasure Ballinger: You're doing a great job. Thanks.
[2016/04/09 10:45] Ellen Ireland: I'm currently out of lindens so I waited for it to go to zero. No worries :-)
[2016/04/09 10:46] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Can we also give Tim a round of applause as he worked tirelessly to line up our performers, and have Seth create the poster?
[2016/04/09 10:46] Treasure Ballinger: /applau
[2016/04/09 10:46] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /me claps
[2016/04/09 10:47] Treasure Ballinger: and Yay!
[2016/04/09 10:47] Suemoon Magic: Yay!
[2016/04/09 10:47] Treasure Ballinger: thanks Tim!
[2016/04/09 10:47] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me claps
[2016/04/09 10:47] Tim (yoss.kamachi): lol
[2016/04/09 10:48] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Also, as we didn't really have a meeting last month, Tim personally contributed the new SLBA logo to us. On behalf of the entire bar association, thank you Tim. Your contribution to the SLBA is priceless and we appreciate it.
[2016/04/09 10:49] Ellen Ireland: Applause applause!
[2016/04/09 10:49] Treasure Ballinger: It's really nice!
[2016/04/09 10:49] Suemoon Magic: Yes, it looks great
[2016/04/09 10:49] Treasure Ballinger: very classy and elegant
[2016/04/09 10:49] Ellen Ireland: /me hunts for a good applause gesture
[2016/04/09 10:49] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /meagrees
[2016/04/09 10:49] Tim (yoss.kamachi): seth did a nice job with it - i agree
[2016/04/09 10:49] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /me agrees
[2016/04/09 10:49] Treasure Ballinger: APPLAUSE!!!!
[2016/04/09 10:49] Ellen Ireland: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
[2016/04/09 10:49] Ellen Ireland: ☆ ->~*APPLAUSE*~<-☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
[2016/04/09 10:49] Ellen Ireland: ☆->~*AWESOME*~<-☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
[2016/04/09 10:49] Ellen Ireland: ☆☆~~>-WoOoOoOoHoOoOoOo-~~<☆☆
[2016/04/09 10:50] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me smiles
[2016/04/09 10:50] Suemoon Magic: ã‹¡
[2016/04/09 10:50] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I guess this is really new business as we haven't talked about it in awhile, but once the concert is completed, it would be nice to have speakers again.
[2016/04/09 10:51] Ellen Ireland: One of these days maybe I'll make the time to put together that presentation I want to do. I hope it will happen this summer
[2016/04/09 10:52] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): What would you like to talk about Ellen?
[2016/04/09 10:52] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Tim had a great idea to have a panel of business owners on SL here to discuss things like the challenges and triumphs of having an SL business.
[2016/04/09 10:52] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): That would be great Ellen.
[2016/04/09 10:52] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me smiles, "Was it the speech about Breedables?"
[2016/04/09 10:52] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): rather, Presentation?
[2016/04/09 10:53] Ellen Ireland: Yes, I am planning to do that
[2016/04/09 10:53] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): That would be great.
[2016/04/09 10:53] Ellen Ireland: just haven't had time to put it together with all the stuff going on
[2016/04/09 10:53] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): That is completely understandable.
[2016/04/09 10:53] Treasure Ballinger: That would be cool, if it didn't turn into a land mine about content creators vs. LL .......... Not sure we're ready to go into all that again right now?
[2016/04/09 10:53] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Would you be willing to do so maybe in August?
[2016/04/09 10:53] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I agree Treasure.
[2016/04/09 10:53] Ellen Ireland: I should be able to do that.
[2016/04/09 10:54] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Maybe more like a RL type discussion about things they enjoy better and things that are more complex because of the platform.
[2016/04/09 10:55] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): It should not become an IP argument.
[2016/04/09 10:55] Treasure Ballinger: nods. that could be interesting
[2016/04/09 10:55] Treasure Ballinger: right
[2016/04/09 10:55] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): That defeats the purpose of having the conversation and there is more to running a business than just that side of it.
[2016/04/09 10:56] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me writes Ellen's name in the calendar for August presentation on Breedables.
[2016/04/09 10:56] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Anyone else have ideas or things they may want to hear a presentation about?
[2016/04/09 10:58] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Would anyone be interested in a presentation about having a virtual law practice? Not necessarily an SL law practice, but a RL virtual law practice?
[2016/04/09 10:58] Ellen Ireland: Yes, I would be interested in that
[2016/04/09 10:58] Ellen Ireland: not in giving it but in attending
[2016/04/09 10:58] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me smiles
[2016/04/09 10:58] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): /me smiles
[2016/04/09 10:59] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): I'm trying to gauge interest. I would be willing to do that presentation.
[2016/04/09 11:00] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): I think it would be interesting.
[2016/04/09 11:00] Ellen Ireland: Yes from me, then :-)
[2016/04/09 11:01] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): /me smiles, alright then. We may be able to set up 2-3 speaking engagements in the future. That is wonderful. :-)
[2016/04/09 11:01] Tim (yoss.kamachi): :)
[2016/04/09 11:01] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Does anyone have anything else that needs to be discussed?
[2016/04/09 11:01] Treasure Ballinger: Going downstairs to put my postero n my land
[2016/04/09 11:01] Treasure Ballinger: *poster on
[2016/04/09 11:01] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Is there a motion to adjourn?
[2016/04/09 11:02] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): Move to adjourn
[2016/04/09 11:02] Treasure Ballinger: 2nd
[2016/04/09 11:02] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): all in favor?
[2016/04/09 11:02] Treasure Ballinger: aye
[2016/04/09 11:02] Suemoon Magic: aye
[2016/04/09 11:02] Geri Kahn (geri.kuhn): aye
[2016/04/09 11:02] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): aye
[2016/04/09 11:02] Ellen Ireland: aye
[2016/04/09 11:02] Tim (yoss.kamachi): aye
[2016/04/09 11:02] Treasure Ballinger: great meeting, good to be back
[2016/04/09 11:02] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Then the meeting is adjourned.
[2016/04/09 11:02] Elizabeth (elizabethesq): Have a great week everyone! See you on Friday!
Views: 46
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