Time: November 14, 2009 from 12pm to 3pm
Location: Fredric G. Levin College of Law, University of Florida Campus
Street: Gator Nation Island (109, 20, 25)
City/Town: Second Life
Website or Map: http://slurl.com/secondlife/G…
Event Type: mini, conference
Organized By: Morgandy Muircastle
Latest Activity: Mar 22, 2010
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RSVP: The Conference is Free, but the location requires a visitor pass.
Please RSVP with your Avatar name to receive your pass and with any questions to: slbaconference@gmail.com
or in-world IM: Michele Jigsaw.
Session 1: Practice Issues Unique to the Virtual World Setting
Daniel Perry – ‘DanielPerry Laa’
Virtual Law Teams
James Bryce Clark - ‘JamieBryce Infinity’
Privacy and Security
Stephen Davies – ‘Little Gray’
Dispute Resolution, Civil Rights
Practicing law in an environment where either your client or the person they are dealing with are not in the same jurisdiction raises unique issues. The virtual environment also provides an opportunity for interaction of remotely located legal team members and clients. In addition, Second Life and other virtual worlds have their own local cultures and civil rights issues. This session discusses these and other practice issues unique to representing companies and individuals in a virtual world setting.
Session 2: Substantive Issues in a Virtual World
A. Craig Abrahamson – ‘Lexis Looming’ Contracts and Business Transactions
Steven Wu – ‘Legal Writer’ Intellectual Property Rights
Copyright violation is a common complaint in a virtual world setting, but there are many interesting topics that are unique to practicing in a virtual world. How can I have an enforceable contract in a world with no “law”? If another person’s avatar attacks my avatar in a non-warring world, is it a crime? Find out what issues virtual worlds attorneys and their clients face in this session on substantive issues in a virtual world.
Mixer: Panelists and conference attendees will have a chance to talk with each other informally.
Web Simulcast – Info TBA
Thanks to the Fredric G. Levin College of Law for their generous support.
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